
    Data metrics on Influencer Marketing

    Influencer campaigns generate profits, that is undeniable. Influencer actions generate 11x times more ROI than traditional marketing actions. Moreover, in addition to this, BrandManic states that, according to its data, up to 92% of people are willing to trust personal opinions about brands, even without knowing the person making the recommendation.

    But this is not the only data supporting the benefits of profiled campaigns. According to Postcron and Grou, 94% of brand marketing teams that have used influencers for their campaigns consider it an effective strategy and the retention rate of customers gained through recommendation is 37% higher.

    As with other types of marketing campaigns, knowing the right way to do it and knowing how to choose the right influencer is essential. But how do you know if your profiling campaign has been successful?

    The key lies in the ability to know how to read the numbers, to have the real data of the profiles and to find the one that best suits our needs.

    Choosing the right profile

    There are many types of influencers, so many that we dedicated an article on the subject in this blog. Depending on the campaign we want to launch, it will be necessary to have a specific profile, defined by its style, audience, number of followers, among other things.

    Although at first glance it does not seem too complicated a task, it is advisable to have expert help, as sometimes a profile can be considered as the perfect one for the presentation of a product, when in reality the target audience is among the followers of another type of influencer.

    One of the most effective ways to find out who is really talking about us and to discover if we have our target is through Social Listening. Research also helps to know the type of insights that are useful to generate the right content.

    Getting to know the influencer’s approximate figures

    Not everything is about the number of followers. There are many influencers who have a large number of followers but do not generate the desired engagement for our campaigns.

    Furthermore, depending on the action we want to carry out, our objective may be to reach a more niche audience, so the search for profiles with large numbers is not always the best.

    At SamyRoad we have our own tool for finding the right profiles, Shinebuzz, and we can find out the real effectiveness of these influencers and monitor the campaign from start to finish to find out the real efficiency of the campaign.

    Find out the real numbers of your campaign

    It is important to know the real interactions, views and impacts of the content generated during the campaign to really know if it has been effective. Influencer marketing must be, like traditional marketing, a marketing supported by data.

    To get to this type of information it is necessary to have help, through agencies or experts who are used to dealing with profiles, and also to understand how to read them.

    Need help with your influencer marketing campaign?

    At SamyRoad we have been working in influencer marketing for years, we have helped more than 200 brands and we have our own measurement and tracking tool to know the performance of different profiles, and to help you find the right ones.

    If you want to know more about the topic or how we can help you contact us.

  • Image credit: Will Francis

    If you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one

    This is the premise of generic ads or content videos that do not have a clear target audience. Now this is going to change.

    Facebook continues to improve its technical features to help retailers and content creators maximise both their impact and their ability to optimise the audience they are targeting with their ads.

    Although still in beta, the platform has launched a new way to filter the type of video ads to be shown by topics, allowing for even more customisation of the user and potential consumer experience.

    Where can I add them?

    These ads can appear before, during or after the video, or even be static images that accompany it. The minimum time an ad can be shown in a video with automation enabled is 30 seconds, if it is a static image, and 45 seconds if it is a video.

    In order for a content creator to be eligible to add this type of ad, they must have a series of minimum requirements: 10,000 followers or more, 600,000 total minutes with views in the last 60 days, with at least 60,000 minutes of their live videos viewed and a minimum of 5 active videos on their page.

    With ad automation and the algorithm, the platform is trying to get closer to optimising the ads it displays. In this case, Facebook’s ad auction system detects the best time to show an ad to the user.

    In order to choose the best type of ad to show on the videos you need to have some things in consideration:

    • Before the video: These ads, showed before the video, are targeted for users actively searching for an specific content. More views equal more payments for the creator of the content where the ads are showed.
    • During the video: This kind of ad is perfect for videos with natural breaks. Most of the videos are discovered in the news feed of the platform, we recommend creators to schedule their content to show ads during the video.
    • Image ads: these ads are static images displayed below the content. They are perfect for videos where it’s difficult to insert publicity.
    • After the video: This kind of ad can be shown to viewers who did not see ads before the video or image advertising.

    What else is new?

    This is not the only new feature the platform is introducing for advertisers, as it is also currently testing sticker ads that creators and advertisers will be able to add to their stories.  This type of advertising will allow creators to monetise their Facebook stories, receiving part of the profits generated by these stickers.

    In addition, Instagram, a platform owned by Facebook, is testing Reel ads. These ads can be a maximum of 30 seconds and will allow users to comment on them, like, view, save, share or skip them.

    There are undoubtedly many new features coming to the different social networks that will help brands and creators to maximise their advantages and optimise their content.

    Want to know more?

    In SamyRoad we are experts in social networks, if you want to know how we can help you do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Brand Advocate vs Influencer

    What are the differences between an advocate and an influencer? Can they complement each other? Can someone be both?

    The best way to define the difference between advocate and influencer is to understand that an influencer can be an advocate but an advocate is not exclusively an influencer.

    A brand advocate is a person, customer, employee or organisation that shares a quote, comment or review about a company through their networks (social media, word of mouth, email) with no other incentive than their love for the brand.

    What value can each of these advocates bring to your brand?

    A brand advocate or “brand ambassador” represents your brand, shows their support and can even influence the purchasing decisions of their “followers”. Everyone has the ability to recommend your brand. They all generate new business.


    Happy customers are great advocates and brand ambassadors

    The customer is the most important advocate to consider, as they can be your biggest supporter or your biggest fan. The real value provided by the visibility a customer gives you in networks is essential to generate brand advocacy.

    If they choose your product or services and love your company, they will go beyond all expectations when it comes to recommending the brand to family, friends, acquaintances and followers.


    Happy employees are essential brand ambassadors

    It is essential for a brand to work on the wellbeing of its employees and to make them proud to be part of it, as the way a company treats its employees is a reflection of the company and has a real impact on its audience.

    Happy employees are the best ambassadors, they are passionate about where they work and show genuine love for the brand.


    Influencers as brand advocates

    If you’re on social media, chances are you’ve already seen a product on an influencer’s social network. Influencers can be, on the one hand, famous people with many followers on different social media platforms. On the other hand, niche influencers have fewer followers but have a big impact on their communities.

    If you want to know about the different types of influencers, just take a look at our article about it: Types of Influencers. Learn about all of them. Each influencer is different and, depending on what we are looking for for our product, one or another profile is recommended.

    As I mentioned before, influencers can be brand ambassadors, not only through influencer marketing, but also through their organic reviews. An influencer is like any other consumer, but with an exponentially larger audience, which presents an advantage when it comes to giving visibility to a brand. 

    An influencer does not only generate an advertisement, but also when content is perceived as such it can have a negative impact on consumers.

    As consumers evolve, connecting with them through influencers requires a constant evolution and requires a more personal and creative approach to give meaning to the message you want to convey.

    Want to know more about the Advocacy Marketing?

    At Samy, our alliance of agencies to which SamyRoad belongs, we are specialists in Brand Advocacy Marketing and influencer marketing. If you want to know more about it and how we can help your brand, do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Popular content for brands to post on Instagram


    Instagram is the king of social networks. There is still no doubt about this statement, as it is currently chosen by more than 1.2 billion users, the one that generates the most engagement and the one preferred by influencers, brands and users.

    On Instagram, 90% of users follow a brand, and shoppable posts can increase brand traffic by more than 2,600%. But, what content is most popular when it comes to brands?

    User Generated Content

    User Generated Content on Instagram

    UGC is very popular on social networks and Instagram is no exception. Brands can and should take advantage of content generated by users and customers. It’s real, honest content and shows the real consumer reception of your product.

    Behind-the-scenes Shots

    Behind-the-scenes shots is a popular content on Instagram

    People are curious by nature, a behind-the-scenes is always a good way to show how work is done and to show things never seen before by the user. Behind-the-scenes videos always generate great impact and interest no matter what you are talking about.

    Teaser Product

    Teaser your products

    Without a doubt, teaser content is a classic. Creating buzz by generating teaser posts to present a product is always a good idea. It increases engagement, people will want and try to find out what it is, especially if the teaser content is well done.

    Real-time Trends

    Keep it up with trends! Generating content following real-time trends is a must in social media. It is essential to have a good social listening strategy to know what is happening and always keep in mind the challenges and types of content that are popular at any given moment.

    Carousel Posts To improve your Information Sharing

    Data, tips or lists of information and curiosities are becoming more and more popular. People like to be informed in a quick way and this kind of information pills generate interest and curiosity. It is a very popular style of branded content.

    Memes are Taking Over

    Memes are popular content on Instagram

    Don’t be afraid of corporate memes! Although Twitter is the main social network for this humorous content, many are already taking up the format on Instagram. Branded content memes are becoming increasingly popular, but it is important to know how to use them correctly.

    Branded AR Filters

    Instagram filters never go out of fashion. They are easy to create and people like them, especially if they are absurd. A brand can create filters to promote items, that are just for fun or that serve to generate a challenge.The options are varied, you just have to be bold.

    Do you need help with your Instagram strategy?

    In SamyRoad we are experts in social media and influencer marketing, if you are curious to know more or want to know how we can help you, do not hesitate to contact us.

  • The best Tik Tok Content

    TikTok is undoubtedly one of the biggest stars in social media. The Chinese platform is currently the second most popular platform for influencer marketing campaigns.

    TikTok currently has 689 million monthly active users globally. These users spend an average of 52 minutes a day on the app, with 90% of them logging in daily.

    The platform has generated a global boom, being available in 155 countries and in a total of 75 languages.

    What is the content that engages users?

    Although at first glance it may seem a rather restricted format, being only short videos, many types of content can be created on Tik Tok. Here are some of the most popular:

    Social Media Challenges:

    Challenges are the most viral content on social media. They generate global trends, work internationally and help increase the number of followers if done well.

    A good example of this type of challenges is “Flip the switch”, which has even been done by SNL itself.

    @nbcsnl𝗙𝗹𝗶𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵.♬ Nonstop – Drake

    Videos based on trending hashtags:

    Most popular categories on TikTok Worldwide according to Statista

    It is essential to know the most popular hashtags of the moment to generate attractive content for our target. In TikTok, this type of content often varies according to the challenges, trends and markets, however, they tend to follow a similar line.

    In the graph that accompanies this text, from a Statista study, we can see the most popular content categories on TikTok at an international level, calculated according to the number of views per hashtags.

    In addition, to find out which content is the most popular in different parts of the world, you can consult the trend reports generated by the platform itself, divided by market, to also find out the differences between them: Our TikTok Trend Report is here: Discover What’s Next | TikTok For Business 

    Dance videos are the most popular content:

    TikTok dances are very popular within the platform

    If there is one thing TikTok is known for, it is its dance and choreography videos, content that remains among the most popular on the platform. 

    Learning choreographies, having failed videos or being a real pro are some of the ways to generate dance videos. Even within the topic, there are a lot of ways of creating content.

    Song videos:

    These are videos, popularised by TikTok, in which people lip-sync to a song and even act out the lyrics. Sometimes they recreate a scene from the original video. Other times they put their own spin on it.

    In addition, another of the most popular content on the platform is collaborations to create music in a unique way. One of the latest viral videos has been from Sea Shanty, which generated repercussions on other social networks.

    @nathanevanssThe Wellerman. ##seashanty ##sea ##shanty ##viral ##singing ##acoustic ##pirate ##new ##original ##fyp ##foryou ##foryoupage ##singer ##scottishsinger ##scottish♬ Wellerman – Sea Shanty – Nathan Evans

    @sguerraandre##duet with @jonnystewartbass I’m late to the party, but I’m obsessed with all of these basses and got so excited. ##wellerman ##seashanty ##basssinging♬ Wellerman – Sea Shanty – Nathan Evans

    Dialogue reenactments:

    Another of the most popular content internationally is dialogue reenactment, very much in line with the lip-syncing, the interpretation of famous, funny scenes or simply the audio of other Tik Tok is a widely used resource to generate successful videos.

    Cute animal videos:

    Who doesn’t like to watch cute videos of animals? Animals in general, and pets in particular, have always been a source of engagement generation, with accounts dedicated solely to this type of content.

    ASMR videos to calm yourself:

    ASMR videos, Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, are content that generate a calming sensation in those who watch it, either because of their soothing sounds or because they are aesthetically pleasing.

    In a world as changing and stressful as the one we live in nowadays, ASMR videos are becoming more and more popular, they are not only a popular content on Tik Tok, but we can also find them on Youtube, Instagram and even on Twitch live streams.

    Comedy content is on the rise:

    This is a little tricky! A lot of the content mentioned above can be aimed at generating a comedic effect, but comedy is also a separate format on the platform.

    From surreal situations, classic jokes to musical comedy, the possibilities are endless.

    One example is Luke Millington-Drake who became famous thanks to his on-point impersonations of Jude Law, Hugh Grant and, above all, Keira Knightley.

    @lukemillingtondrakeThe new parfum! ##comedy ##comedyvideo ##tiktokcomedy ##fyp ##foryou ##foryoupage ##keiraknightley ##chanel ##perfume ##malibu♬ This Is A Man’s World – Midnight Players

    Science Experiments content is always an interesting option:

    Home science experiments and the possibility of replicating them is another type of video that can be seen on TikTok. 

    There are, as in other categories, profiles dedicated solely to this, creating trends and challenges about different experiments.

    @cosmo.guyHow beautiful is it from 1 to 10? 😍 ##scienceismagic ##beautiful ##satisfying ##experiment♬ Can’t Hold Us – Jonathan_GF97

    Want to know more about TikTok?

    At SamyRoad we are experts in influencer marketing campaigns, offering end-to-end solutions for brands and looking for the best profiles that match their values.

    If you are curious to know more do not hesitate to contact us.

  • With a meteoric rise to the top of the most downloaded iOS apps, Clubhouse is currently positioned as one of the social livestreaming platforms with the most potential.

    Launched in April 2020, the platform currently has more than 10 million active users per week and expects to reach even more people in 2021 with its arrival on Android in mid-2021.

    What’s so special about Clubhouse?

    Clubhouse is all about the sound. The platform is born from the podcast concept and adds a twist: live and interactive experience. In addition, the invitation-only access and the fact that it is, for the moment, an iPhone-only product, creates a sense of exclusivity.

    The magic of livestreaming, already discussed in our article about Twitch, is based on several key points. On the one hand, we have the dreaded FOMO, fear of missing out, people want to be part of something that is happening at that moment and will only happen at that moment. On the other hand, we have the possibility of active participation by the audience, who can easily become part of the group of speakers.

    The potential of the livestreaming platform

    The platform is still growing and adding more features in a continuous improvement of the platform, focusing on helping creators, improving technicalities and listening to user requests.

    Clubhouse offers a new way for brands to socialise with audiences. There are several ways to do this, here are some of them:

    • Sponsoring a room: Invite people to talk about a specific topic with public sponsorship of your brand.
    • Round tables: create a space for discussion of a specific topic moderated by the brand.
    • Active participation in different rooms: the brand can be a participant in the rooms created by users.

    Dare to be creative

    The fear of unpredictability in the livestreaming world is real, but the possibilities it offers are even greater.

    A prime example of this is the narrative games that are already being played on the platform. As Marketing Directo points out in this article (in Spanish), they have almost unlimited potential for brands.

    On April 17th, a group of users, led by Goya winner for best original screenplay David Pulido, created an investigation game based on the murder on the Orient Express. In this game, users could walk through its carriages and listen to the conversations of its characters to try to find out, through clues and situations, who was guilty of the murder committed.

    Gathering a total of 188 spectators and participants during the more than three hours of the event, the innovative and immersive narrative created by Pulido became a mass success.

    A brand could create, with the help of skilled hands, an original sponsored narrative game that will engage the audience, generating visibility and desired buzz around it, even including prizes for the winner(s).

    Need help or want to know more about livestreaming platforms?

    At SamyRoad, we are experts in partnership campaigns with profiles and creating original and engaging content for audiences.

    If you are interested in learning more about the possibilities of the platforms and how we can help you, contact us.

  • Twitch as an Influencer Marketing platform

    Twitch is, nowadays, one of the main platforms to take into account when carrying out an influencer marketing strategy, thanks to its capacity for reach, engagement and providing the naturalness that brands and users are looking for.

    Social networks are constantly evolving, adapting to the needs of their users and offering continuous modifications and improvements to keep up to date with trends in the digital world.

    At the moment, livestreaming is, without a doubt, one of the concepts most in demand by the public, thanks to both the immediacy of the moment and the generation of the dreaded FOMO.

    And when it comes to livestreaming, Twitch is undoubtedly the king.

    But… What is Twitch?

    Born in 2011, Twitch is a livestreaming platform that gained popularity in the gaming world thanks to its functionalities, which made it easy to show live games, gameplays, as well as live streams simply by talking.

    The peak of the platform was achieved in the early 2020s, when, during the lockdown, many people were encouraged to join as users and feel more like they were in the company of others, and thousands, if not millions, of new viewers were hooked.

    How influencer marketing appears on the platform

    More and more consumers are looking for naturalness in influencers and there is no better way to achieve this than live. In a live show, you can’t predict what is going to happen or what you are going to talk about, and it generates a sense of closeness and direct conversation with the audience.

    Brands definitely recognise the potential of this type of close relationship between influencers and have not hesitated to jump on the streaming bandwagon which, although it carries risks, the benefits it brings are even greater.

    Entertain First, Advertise Second

    Although this concept is increasingly being taken on board by profiles and brands, it is undoubtedly Twitch’s maxim. The consumer does not want to see a clear advertisement when they are navigating their social networks or watching a live stream of their favourite streamer, they want to be entertained.

    Something that brands must assume is that their product is not going to be the protagonist, the protagonist is the entertainment, and therefore the influencer. It is not so much interesting to see the product, although it can be entertaining, as it is to see the streamer’s reaction to the product.

    Why choose Twitch for my brand

    The platform has several strengths that encourage you as a brand to collaborate with streamers.

    • It is multi-sectorial, although most people consider Twitch to be a platform focused on the world of video games, more and more different types of topics are associated with it.
    • More than half of Twitch users are between 18 and 30 years old, 65% of whom are male (according to GlobalWebindex), i.e. an audience that is very difficult to reach by other means.
    • The average Twitch user spends 95 minutes a day on Twitch. These users, or viewers, also become loyal followers of the live streams they watch.
    • Amazon bought Twitch on 2014.Since then its profits have grown to generate $1.54 billion in 2019.
    • Depending on the type of content, we find a niche audience, which helps to reach people with very specific characteristics.
    • Due to its format, Twitch presents new ways to promote your product or service, such as unboxings, giveaways or shoutouts. In addition, you can measure performance by including, if you wish, a direct link to your brand’s e-commerce.

    Want to know more about how to implement it in your strategy?

    The options offered by Twitch are very varied, at Samyroad we have prepared a report on the platform, here you have the preview.

    In addition, we did a webinar on the rise of livestreaming platforms, if you missed it you can watch the full recording here (in Spanish).

    If you want to know more about the possibilities of Twitch, about how to integrate an influencer marketing strategy in your brand or you are just curious to meet us, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Sources: backlinko, businessofapps, GlobalWebindex, Rockwater
  • How many types of influencers are there? Which are the best profiles for my marketing strategy?

    In Influencer Marketing it is essential to know the types of influencers that exist, the different ways to classify these profiles and to know, thanks to expert help, which are the characteristics that make an influencer the perfect one for your brand.

    There are four main ways of classifying the types of influencers

    Firstly, we would have the classification according to content, i.e. based on the content generated by that profile.

    Secondly, we have the classification according to the size of their audience, since depending on the campaign we want to carry out, we are interested in a more or less defined audience.

    Thirdly, according to the platform, there are influencers known on various platforms but many of them move on a main one, a streamer is not the same as an instagramer.

    Fourthly, we find the classification according to profile, i.e. influencers can be divided according to their professional or personal life.

    Variety of Influencers according to content:

    • Fashion:

    The fashion sector is one of the most popular thanks to its versatility. These profiles are mainly focused on clothes and accessories and how to combine both to create different looks.  They usually offer product reviews, promotions, work directly with lines created by different brands, show the “haul” achieved post-shopping and also offer style tips.

    • Beauty:

    Another big sector, especially on networks such as Instagram, but also Youtube. These influencers share beauty tips, product reviews, tutorials and more, and can easily raise awareness about a beauty brand and increase sales. Influencers of this type vary from ordinary people who love makeup to professional makeup artists.

    • Gamers:

    The gaming sector is on the rise, and with it the gamer or caster profile, i.e. professional or semi-professional video game players and also those who narrate competitions in the eSports world. From collaborative videos, gameplays, tutorials to energy drink promotions, the world of gaming is becoming more and more mainstream every day.

    • Fitness

    Healthy lifestyles are something that many of us pursue. Influencers focused on fitness or sports are a motivating element for many of their followers. They endorse sports brands, food and beverage brands related to the health and wellness sector, specific food and fitness programmes, etc.

    Type of Influencers according to audience size:

    Depending on the type of campaign to be carried out, we benefit from a certain size of audience, at a more general or niche level, when it comes to generating impact. This is why we must define whether we want to have nano, micro, macro or mega influencer. The number of followers of each varies according to different studies.

    • Nano influencers (1K – 10K)

    These are those with a small community, ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 followers. Although their number of followers is smaller, their audience is highly loyal.

    • Micro influencers (10K – 100K)

    Micro influencers’ followers can reach up to 100,000. The fame of most of these profiles was born in the social networks themselves. They have a high level of engagement and a very segmented audience.

    • Macro influencers (100K-1M)

    Macro influencers have between 100,000 and one million followers. Like micro influencers, they tend to be popular thanks to their profile on different social networks. They have a large audience and, in addition, this audience has been cultivated thanks to their continuous relationship with them, so it is a loyal one.

    • Mega influencers (1M or more)

    In this type of influencers we usually find celebrities or previously known personalities, who reach large audiences and therefore, these audiences are highly diversified.

    Type of Influencers by platform:

    The term itself is self-explanatory. Not all influencers use the same platforms to communicate or publish content. Depending on the type of campaign, product or service to be promoted, it is necessary to know whether we need the profile of a streamer, a youtuber, an instagrammer or a twitterer. Each platform has its own characteristics and therefore it is very important to know what type of profile to use.

    Classification of Influencers by profile:

    Finally, we find the differentiation of influencers according to profile. Within this classification we find expert profiles, trend-seekers, celebrities and consumers.

    • Experts:

    These are profiles that have professional knowledge of what they are talking about. They can be techies, personal shoppers, professional make-up artists, etcetera.

    • Trend-seekers:

    They are those who are always up to date. They are always the first to find out what’s coming up and to get hold of them so they can show it to their audience.

    • Celebrities:

    They are public figures who have a large number of followers and use their social networks to be closer to their fans.

    • Consumers:

    Consumers themselves can also be influencers thanks to their interest in sharing opinions or recommendations with their followers. In addition, consumers are also content generators, so brands should take them into account.

    How can we help you?

    Choosing the right profile, according to characteristics, our type of product and the data we want to collect is, on many occasions, a complex task.

    At Samyroad we can help you find the perfect profile for your campaign thanks to our experience as an agency focused on influencer marketing.

    Moreover, at Samyroad we have our own tool, Shinebuzz, which allows us to analytically choose the perfect profiles for your brand and measure the campaign to know its reach and success.

    If you have any doubts or you want to know more about it, don’t hesitate to contact us!

    Want to know more about our expertise? Follow us on LinkedIn!

  • What is Influencer Marketing?

    Date: April 5, 2021

    Influencer marketing is a digital marketing strategy that consists of taking advantage of a public profile and, through collaborations, getting the brand’s message or commercial proposal across.

    Although it may seem simple at first glance, influencer marketing involves a difficulty that arises, firstly, when choosing the profiles that best suit your brand and, secondly, the creation of appropriate content according to the social platform used.

    The value of influencer marketing has been more than backed up by its results and the interest it generates among brands. 

    According to BusinessInsider, investment in influencer marketing will reach $15 billion by 2022. In 2020, 47% of brands were already planning to increase their budget for influencer campaigns. 

    Moreover, this type of strategy generates up to eleven times more ROI than traditional marketing.

    But, what’s an influencer?

    Social networks are the cause of this type of marketing, as they are where the emergence of the well-known influencers has been generated, a figure that nevertheless already existed before in the concept of celebrities.

    An influencer is a person who, thanks to their profile, their way of communicating and the content they generate, has created a loyal audience base.

    The strength of influencers lies not only in their charisma but also in generating closeness and a bond with the public that brands cannot achieve through traditional marketing. People see themselves reflected in the profiles they follow, whether by tastes, lifestyle or values.

    61% of consumers trust social media networks as their main source of information regarding the quality of a product or service. In fact, according to BrandManic, up to 92% of people are willing to trust opinions about brands even without knowing the person making the recommendation.

    In other words, the influence, hence the name, generated by this type of profile is much greater than that generated by a brand profile. Moreover, the public is increasingly demanding more reality, naturalness and content generated by others as opposed to a standard advertisement.

    How to choose the perfect influencer for your marketing campaign?

    67% of brands believe that an influencer marketing campaign reaches much more specific target audiences. In addition, 94% of those who have used influencers for campaigns consider this method to be an effective strategy.

    However, not any influencer will do.

    Brands must take into account a series of essential values to choose the right profiles when carrying out an effective strategy, given that these profiles are the ones that will ensure the success or failure of the strategy. 

    The influencer must share the values of the brand they are going to represent.

    As has been proven with other types of marketing strategies, it is essential to have the ability to quantitatively measure the content and success of the campaign, as well as to know how to judge both quantitatively and qualitatively the different potential profiles from which to choose the perfect match.

    How can we help you?

    At Samyroad we are experts in influencer marketing.

    We have our own tool that allows us to analytically choose the perfect influencer profiles for your brand and measure the campaign to know its reach and success.

    Do you want to know more? Contact us!

  • Fox channels

    Date: April 4, 2018

    The one where we helped FOX connect with their audience
    COUNTRY: Portugal

    The Ask
    Fox Channels launched a new corporate campaign transversal to all their TV networks. The goal was to connect their audience to their content, creating a engagement-oriented campaign called Hi Portugal!

    The SfB Solution
    Identification of influencers through ShineBuzz + creation of an engagement based campaign where influencers reacted live when they favorite Hollywood star said “Hello” on camera directly to them

    The Key figures
    47 pieces of influencer-generated content
    1.1M organic impressions