Most popular content on Instagram for your brand

Date: May 26, 2021

Popular content on Instagram
Popular content for brands to post on Instagram


Instagram is the king of social networks. There is still no doubt about this statement, as it is currently chosen by more than 1.2 billion users, the one that generates the most engagement and the one preferred by influencers, brands and users.

On Instagram, 90% of users follow a brand, and shoppable posts can increase brand traffic by more than 2,600%. But, what content is most popular when it comes to brands?

User Generated Content

User Generated Content on Instagram
User Generated Content on Instagram

UGC is very popular on social networks and Instagram is no exception. Brands can and should take advantage of content generated by users and customers. It’s real, honest content and shows the real consumer reception of your product.

Behind-the-scenes Shots

Behind-the-scenes shots on Instagram
Behind-the-scenes shots is a popular content on Instagram

People are curious by nature, a behind-the-scenes is always a good way to show how work is done and to show things never seen before by the user. Behind-the-scenes videos always generate great impact and interest no matter what you are talking about.

Teaser Product

Teaser your products
Teaser your products

Without a doubt, teaser content is a classic. Creating buzz by generating teaser posts to present a product is always a good idea. It increases engagement, people will want and try to find out what it is, especially if the teaser content is well done.

Real-time Trends

Keep it up with trends! Generating content following real-time trends is a must in social media. It is essential to have a good social listening strategy to know what is happening and always keep in mind the challenges and types of content that are popular at any given moment.

Carousel Posts To improve your Information Sharing

Data, tips or lists of information and curiosities are becoming more and more popular. People like to be informed in a quick way and this kind of information pills generate interest and curiosity. It is a very popular style of branded content.

Memes are Taking Over

Memes are popular content on Instagram
Memes are popular content on Instagram

Don’t be afraid of corporate memes! Although Twitter is the main social network for this humorous content, many are already taking up the format on Instagram. Branded content memes are becoming increasingly popular, but it is important to know how to use them correctly.

Branded AR Filters

Instagram filters never go out of fashion. They are easy to create and people like them, especially if they are absurd. A brand can create filters to promote items, that are just for fun or that serve to generate a challenge.The options are varied, you just have to be bold.

Do you need help with your Instagram strategy?

In SamyRoad we are experts in social media and influencer marketing, if you are curious to know more or want to know how we can help you, do not hesitate to contact us.

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