• We all already understand why brands need to unlock new avenues to connect with their target audience and foster brand awareness; the market is overloaded and we need to find a way to stand out, that’s why we will delve into a crucial aspect of this dynamic landscape—the difference between the real audience and the effective audience. This demarcation carries immense significance for brands and their influencer marketing strategies, empowering them to make savvy decisions and achieve exceptional outcomes.

    Real Audience: Size Isn’t Everything, But It’s a Start

    The real audience—the coveted number of followers, subscribers, or viewers that an influencer commands across various social media platforms. It’s a quantitative metric that exemplifies an influencer’s reach. Many brands find themselves drawn to influencers with a vast real audience, assuming that a wider reach inherently leads to magnified results. But let us not be misled by sheer numbers alone.

    Effective Audience: Where Engagement and Relevance Reign Supreme

    In the realm of the effective audience, we shift our focus from the numbers to the subset of an influencer’s real audience that exudes genuine engagement, responsiveness, and the propensity to act upon the influencer’s content and recommendations. This concept directs our attention to the quality and relevance of an influencer’s followers rather than the sheer quantity. It’s there where the true magic happens.

    Real Audience and Effective Audience.

    Why does this matter?

    1. Targeted Reach: by embracing the effective audience, brands embark on a journey of reaching the right people—the individuals most likely to harbour a genuine interest in their products or services. A smaller but highly engaged and targeted audience possesses the power to deliver exceptional outcomes in terms of brand awareness, engagement, and conversions.
    2. Authenticity and Trust: the very essence of influencer marketing rests upon authenticity and trust. An influencer with an engaged and effective audience often enjoys a profound connection with their followers. When the influencer wholeheartedly supports and endorses a brand, their followers bestow trust and act upon their recommendations, fostering stronger brand-consumer relationships.
    3. Meaningful Engagement: Brands yearn for more than just passive glances. They crave meaningful interactions and conversations. By prioritising engagement metrics like likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates, brands gain insight into the level of audience interaction and interest. An engaged effective audience signifies that the influencer’s content resonates with their followers, paving the way for captivating discussions and heightened engagement rates.
    4. Higher Conversion Rates: The true measure of influencer marketing success lies in its ability to drive conversions. An effective audience, brimming with individuals genuinely interested in the brand and its offerings, possesses a greater likelihood of conversion. A diligent focus on the effective audience amplifies the chances of achieving the desired return on investment (ROI) from influencer marketing campaigns.

    In the world of influencer marketing, the real audience size merely scratches the surface. The effective audience, consisting of engaged and interested followers, holds the key to unlocking success. By acquainting themselves with the distinction between the real audience and effective audience, brands gain wisdom to make informed decisions when selecting influencers, devise targeted campaigns, and achieve remarkable outcomes in brand awareness, engagement, and conversions. Prioritising the effective audience enables brands to forge genuine relationships with their cherished consumers and maximise the impact of their influencer marketing strategies

    How to find the effective audience?

    The identification of the target audience is of immense importance, and the real challenge is to accurately assess an influencer’s effectiveness. However, brands can find peace of mind in using data and technology as powerful tools. At SamyRoad, we believe strongly in leveraging data and technology to navigate the complexities of each campaign. In a world where accurate measurement is key, every detail matters, and data becomes a source of substantial power.

    A deep understanding of the latest consumer trends and social media content is essential, and that’s why we advocate the use of social listening to identify the topics that generate meaningful engagement among audiences. Our ShineBuzz AI technology is a reliable solution that allows us to identify the ideal match from over 120 million Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) for successful social media campaigns.

    To further enhance our approach, we added Deepfy to our toolkit. This powerful platform allows us to identify niche influencers, non-influencers, high-performing content and valuable opportunities among competitors that are driving social media conversations within specific territories. In addition, we conduct analysis to determine the compatibility between influencer profiles and brands, which facilitates the creation of targeted awareness campaigns.

    Through our comprehensive set of tools and services, we enable brands to predict, plan and evaluate their influencer marketing campaigns. Our insights provide valuable understanding of market benchmarks and performance metrics, enabling brands to make informed decisions and maximise the impact of their influencer collaborations.

    In the data-driven landscape of influencer marketing, target audience identification serves as a compass that guides brands to success. By harnessing the power of data and technology, brands can unlock the true potential of influencer marketing, fostering meaningful connections and achieving remarkable results.

  • In this advertising world there is space for everyone, but activism and influencers are getting closer than ever

    Social media allowed us, as a society, to do things that we have never done before. From connecting with people all over the world to having a space to express ourselves, concerns, likes and dislikes of everything around us and even, sometimes, changing the social landscape. And that might be where the activism and influencers came together.

    Users have become more conscious and compromised with their values and beliefs with the passing of the years, especially Gen-Zers, who have a huge access to information and are very aware of their impact in terms of consumption; what may have stayed on the streets in 1950 as a fight for social causes, now have found a digital platform to maximise and enhance the message. Then, any person who has something to fight for, can do it online too. And fighting can have many meanings, since we do not need to go violent to make a change.

    And that’s where activism and influencers came together. Many of the most influential people these days are people who defend a social cause and stand for it, and they have a large base of supporters because, thanks to social media, they can reach a vast number of people who have the same pain or worry, the same core values and love to be inspired to actually become part of the change they want to see in the world. Somehow, they see influencers as leaders, and are more than happy to be part of the community.

    Activism and influencers… Are they real?

    Absolutely yes. These are influencers who do not sell any product, do partnership for payment nor “sell themselves”. The reason for their success in social media is due to the way they communicate their social causes: they truly work for what they believe in, and use social media to expand their reach or even getting help to achieve some specific goal. 

    They don’t even wait for brands to reach out to them to help, they will go and find a way even by themselves; they just think what’s the activity they need to do to help their cause and go for it, and people follow and support them; of course, if a brand or any company support them in terms of logistics, reach, production or finance, it’s a perfect match. Partnering with these kinds of influencers can be a huge goal in terms of credibility and gaining trust, but it cannot be done only because of their reach or as a marketing strategy. 

    “People like to see brands commit to a cause (…) I’m not interested in promoting a product that I know is not going to be good. And besides, people notice.” – Connie Isla, argentinian influencer, to The Clarín. – “It’s quite a dangerous role (to be an influencer), because there are no rules on how to communicate. It is unfair to follow someone you like, but who constantly uploads content with subliminal messages because they are paid. You choose to follow the person, not the number of brands that finance your life. If you have followers, you have a responsibility.

    Most of the time, these are regular citizens who advocate for a specific issue they care about, but they can be professionals as well, celebrities or even content creators. The only requirement is that you actually care what you stand for and live by it. 

    In terms of specific areas, there are as many causes as human spectrums: LGBTQI+ rights, veganism or special diets, feminism, environmental crisis (ecoinfluencers or greenfluencers), social equal rights, racial inclusion, sexual and gender diversity, mental health, body positivity, illnesses and diseases, particular needs… These are only a small number of categories, if there is such a name.

    It is a consequence of your “what for”. In other words, influencers become referents by the way they convey their cause. – Lino Hassan, social and environmental causes influencer. 

    Lino Hassan, social and environmental causes influencer. 

    Brand’s role in activism and influencers campaigns

    If a brand wants to get involved, they need to get involved for real. As explained by Isla, people will tell and reject if they sense the collaboration is not for the cause itself but to “wash” the brand’s image. 

    A key to make sure a brand is connecting the right way with the influencer and the cause works by two ways: 

    • The value and morals of the brands coincide with this influencer
    • The brand takes the initiative and contact with the influencer to work together to have better results (that will impact directly in the effectiveness of the campaign for the cause)

    Incorporating an influencer into an advertising campaign can enhance the brand’s credibility as the influencer is seen as an authority figure within their respective community. The public trusts that the influencer would only share products or services that align with their values, thereby improving the brand’s reputation. Also, the influencer’s endorsement can generate a positive impact on society and increase the brand’s reach through viral publications. 

    As we are constantly bombarded with countless messages and information, people will connect better through the content they actually feel related to, and activism and influencers are two powerful meeting points for them. 

    By collaborating with committed influencers who use their voice to support social causes and create impactful and persuasive speeches, they can differentiate themselves and communicate their message in a clear and effective manner, with the ultimate goal of being part of the solution for a society pain (or, at least, doing their share of help). With the support of committed influencers, brands can make a positive impact on society and enhance their reputation by aligning themselves with meaningful causes.

    We must all do our part

    Some of them aren’t dedicated entirely to their social cause, but include it as a part of their social media content, and since this is the honest and real part of them it’s perfectly fine, since the opinion, interest and passions are part of their life and not their job. Either way, we believe it would be better if we just show you some influencers who matches their activism with their social media work:  

    1. Lino Hass – Greenfluencer – InstagramTikTok
    2. Santi Maratea – Social causes – Instagram TikTok
    3. Connie Isla – artist, veganism and greenfluencer – InstagramTiktok
    4. Carlota Bruna  – ecoinfluencer – Instagram TikTok
    5. Victoria Moradell – ecoinfluencer – Instagram TikTok
    6. Teresa López – body positive – InstagramTikTok 
    7. Spencer Barboza – body positivity – InstagramTikTok
    8. Grace Beverly – green and positivity influencer – InstagramTikTok
    9. Zinnia Kumar – antiracism influencer – Instagram 
  • Influencer marketing has become an increasingly popular tool for brands to connect with their target audience on social media. However, with so many brands jumping on the influencer bandwagon, it can be challenging to stand out and make an impact. To take your influencer marketing strategy to the next level, you need to incorporate paid media and data intelligence.

    Thyga brings creativity, data and strategy together to create the most efficient paid media plan at a fraction of the cost. And, by being part of the Samy Alliance network of digital agencies, SamyRoad can integrate efforts with Thyga to boost the results of our campaigns. 

    We focus on four key pillars: finding the right person (overcoming targeting restrictions to ensure only the target audience is exposed to the campaign), partnering with innovative social platforms, utilising relevant influencers and ambassadors, and optimising the media spend to conversion rather than just engagement. 

    Thyga uses unique research, creative, and influencer capabilities to improve media performance. As a paid media agency obsessed with delivering the right message to the right person, the data-driven approach allows us to understand your audience better, deliver effective messaging, and reach them with higher cost efficiency.

    Our data intelligence suite is used to identify the right influencers to work with. By analysing data on social media engagement, audience demographics, and interests, we can identify the social media authors who are most likely to resonate with your target audience. This ensures we find ultra relevant influencers that are more effective in driving engagement and conversions for your campaigns.

    With this approach, Thyga can use paid media to amplify the reach of influencer content, ensuring that it reaches a wider audience that may not have seen the post organically. And, with that, we track the performance of your influencer campaigns by monitoring metrics, comparing them with our predictions and therefore gaining insights into what’s working and what’s not. This information can be used to optimise future influencer campaigns and improve ROI.

    Our ultimate goal at Thyga is to increase the effectiveness and precision of your influencer marketing strategy. We do this by leveraging top-notch influencer content, tracking campaign performance in real-time, and having the guarantee of results. With over 10 years of experience creating innovative and disruptive experiences, our team of experts is committed to helping your brand reach its target audience on social media in the most effective way possible.

    For more information on Thyga, visit our website or get in touch at contact@thyga.com


    It’s clear that influencer campaigns are a highly effective strategy, as evidenced by the fact that 8 out of 10 marketers plan to allocate 10-20% of their budget towards it in 2022-2023. Actually, the market size of influencer marketing is projected to reach $21.1 billion, according to Viralyft.

    What all these numbers reveal? That brands and businesses recognise the value of influencer marketing, not just for increasing awareness, but also for driving sales. In fact, our study, State of the Influencer Marketing, shows that 36% of marketers consider driving sales to be the most important conversion metric for their IM strategy.

    The rise of influencers has created a booming “creator economy,” revolutionising the way businesses and brands engage with consumers

    Forbes, 2023

    Truth be told, influencer marketing is a profitable business. Various media outlets and studies have highlighted the key elements of an effective marketing strategy, including setting clear goals, selecting the right influencer, considering their reach and expertise, ensuring brand values align, developing a content strategy, and measuring results. The question, now, is how to achieve these goals.

    In the Influencer world, there is room for all sizes and territories

    Regarding the “size” or “reach” of influencers, it is outdated to believe that the largest influencer is always the best choice just because of that. Several factors must be taken into consideration, including the niche we are trying to reach as a brand, whether it’s our established target audience or a new business opportunity.

    Actually, selecting hyper-specialised influencers is becoming increasingly popular, with some brands finding their work to be more relevant and relatable to their fanbase, which provides a great opportunity for local and regional influencers as well.

    However, the main question remains: how do we filter, select, and develop a strategy with the right influencer? Many CMOs and CEOs are concerned with this issue. Fortunately, through innovation in technology and solutions, we have discovered a way to achieve these goals.

    The role of AI in Influencer Marketing Campaigns

    In today’s influencer marketing industry, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the way brands identify and collaborate with influencers. By analysing key data such as engagement rates, audience demographics, and content quality, AI-powered systems can help brands efficiently and effectively select the right influencers for their campaigns, saving valuable time and resources.

    We have taken our 10 years of experience in the field to develop our own AI tools that enable us to plan, strategize, create, execute, and evaluate influencer marketing campaigns with unparalleled precision and customization. Our AI-based approach ensures that each campaign is tailored to the unique needs of our clients, delivering optimal results every time. 

    Influencer campaigns tools: we take the high Road

    We offer a range of tools and services to help brands optimise their digital marketing strategies. We start with our digital strategy audit, which measures brand reputation and compares it to competitors, giving us valuable insights into a brand’s current position and potential opportunities.

    This way we can analyse the latest consumer trends and social media content, using social listening to identify the topics that generate the most traction among audiences. Our ShineBuzz AI technology helps us identify the best match among over 120 million Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) for successful social media campaigns.

    In addition, we use advanced analytics tools to identify niche influencers and non-influential characters who are driving conversations on social media in specific territories. We also analyse the affinity between influencers and brand profiles to create awareness among target audiences.

    Our technology provides optimal benchmark prices for each influencer, taking into account performance KPIs, demographics, platforms, and formats. We also monitor campaign success and analyse KPIs of each publication comparatively, to determine the effectiveness of each influencer and compare strategies with competitors.

    With this suite of tools and services, we help brands predict, plan, and report on their influencer marketing campaigns, providing valuable insights into market benchmarks and performance metrics.

    Influencer marketing is here to stay as a powerful tool for brands to reach potential customers throughout various stages of their decision-making process. With the help of AI technology, brands can now identify the right influencers to collaborate with more efficiently and, combining the human expertise, develop hyper-personalised campaigns that resonate with their target audience and achieve their business goals of digital strategy, unlocking the full potential of influencers.

  • Influencer marketing has become an essential tool for brands to connect with their target audience, and that’s already said and set, embraced by companies of all sizes. As the industry continues to grow and evolve, it is crucial for brands to keep up with the latest trends in influencer marketing to stay ahead of their competitors, and the way to go on this is by understanding the shape of influencer marketing strategy for these upcoming years

    “Brands are increasingly recognising influencers as professional publishers with valuable audiences (…) Even behemoth social media companies recognise the pull influencers have in connecting people and keeping them engaged on their platforms—so much so that they’re actually designing some of their new features specifically to support creators’ business efforts ”

    Forbes, 2023

    The need for authenticity: believe the expert 

    Authenticity has become a buzzword in the influencer marketing world. Both brands and consumers are becoming more aware of fake followers and fake stats on social media, and users resent that. They are not looking for perfect idols anymore, but authenticity and realness. Brands that collaborate with influencers need to ensure that the influencers they work with have an actual and genuine connection with their audience, and have a place among them as equals.

    In 2023, we can expect to see brands focusing more on authenticity and collaborating with influencers and niche influencers who have an honest connection with their audience, based on interests and talents.

    Consumers are more likely to trust an influencer who they perceive as an expert in their field, this means that brands need to work with influencers who have a solid understanding of the industry they are promoting, but also rely on their knowledge and expertise; no one understands the target as they do.

    Partnering with influencers who have an intimate knowledge of their niche will enable brands to establish a deeper level of trust with their target audience, thus significantly improving their likelihood of success in influencer marketing campaigns. To achieve this, choosing the right influencer is key.

    Exploring the Metaverse

    The Metaverse needs no explanation at this point, and it has become an exciting platform for brands to connect with their target audience, offering new spaces, goods, and experiences worldwide – all from the comfort of each individual’s home.

    One of the most interesting aspects of the Metaverse is the possibility of having virtual ambassadors, also known as digital influencers. These are characters developed by brands or individuals that can represent them in the virtual world and, getting ahead of the upcoming Fashion Week, beauty and fashion brands are the ones rocking these virtual ambassadors, showing how amazingly effective they can be in promoting products and the brand itself in the Metaverse.The use of virtual ambassadors is just one example of the many opportunities that the Metaverse offers to brands. As more and more people spend time in this virtual world, brands have the chance to engage with their target audience in new and innovative ways. By building a presence in the Metaverse, brands can create a unique experience for users and establish a strong connection with their audience that can translate into increased brand awareness and loyalty.

    Live Shopping

    Live shopping is becoming increasingly popular in the influencer marketing world. It allows consumers to interact with influencers in real-time and purchase products directly from the live stream, a whole entertaining and unique experience.

    The game changer here is to build confidence: people want to be sure about what they are buying, as well as excited to see their favourite influencer talk about it.

    According to Statista, the primary benefits of livestream shopping globally are the ability to access exclusive discounts and use it as a source of inspiration and ideas. Additionally, 31% of respondents stated that this purchasing channel enabled them to shop smarter and make more informed buying decisions.

    Therefore, we can assure that collaborating with influencers to host live shopping events will represent a great strategy in the upcoming years, and it will result in a highly engaging and interactive shopping experience that will significantly increase the possibilities of consumers making a purchase.

    Niche Influencers

    As stated in our report “The rise of niche communities”, with this action involved in a strategy brands will have direct access to the target audience, meaning they can talk and communicate with them directly. Not only will they increase loyalty towards the brand, but also will get first-hand insights, challenges, goals and feedback.

    Either way, users are extremely jealous and protective with their close spaces, therefore the best way to access to them is through niche influencers; who’s that might not seem as shiny, but have the strongest bond in the community, and understanding why they are there is the base to give proper information that will result into buying decisions for them.

    Why are communities looking for decentralised spaces?

    Discover new things77%
    Connect with people who have similar interests66%
    Find funny/entertaining content62%
    Keep up with the news/current events60%
    Ask a question to people knowledgeable about a topic60%
    To seek honest advice55%
    Get a recommendation for a product/service to buy54%
    To have a safe space to share ideas, thoughts, etc.49%
    To have genuine conversations with other people44%
    To share advice38%
    As we can see, it’s not only about showing off a product in these spaces, it’s about offering a solution based on the interests of people who belong there. And that’s why we, as brands, need an insider.

    Best Platforms to be IN

    In today’s ever-changing digital landscape, influencer marketing has become a crucial tool for brands to connect with their target audience. As the popularity of social media continues to grow, so does the number of platforms available for influencer marketing. While Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are currently the most popular platforms for influencer marketing, it is important to note that the best platform for your brand may differ based on your industry and target audience. For instance, a brand that caters to young people may find TikTok to be the best platform, while a brand targeting professionals may find LinkedIn to be more effective.

    Looking ahead, we can expect to see more brands explore new and emerging platforms for influencer marketing. Clubhouse, the audio-based social media app, has already gained significant traction among certain audiences, and brands are starting to take notice. Similarly, Reddit, Twitch, and Discord are all platforms that have the potential to become popular for influencer marketing in the near future.

    By staying informed on the latest trends and platforms, brands can stay ahead of the curve and effectively reach their target audience through influencer marketing.

    Down to business: is it worth the Investment?

    Influencer marketing has been proven to be a valuable tool for brands to reach their target audience and increase brand awareness. By connecting with their audience in a more authentic and personal way, brands can increase sales and revenue. As such, we can expect to see more brands investing in influencer marketing, since 8 out of 10 marketers intended to dedicate from 10% to 20% of the marketing budget to Influencer Marketing in 2022, given the potential for high returns on investment.

    However, influencer marketing is an ever-evolving industry, and brands need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends to stay ahead of competitors. It’s, indeed, a huge effort and strategy that needs to guarantee that this ally will retrieve the investment in terms of growth and driving sales, and understanding the needs of brands and considering the over 90.000 content creators that signed up for TikTok only in 2022, we saw the need of developing specialised high-tech tools to assure effective influencer marketing campaigns.

  • Do you know how when you are shopping for a product, you are more likely to choose a brand that you have heard of before, rather than one that is totally unfamiliar to you? That’s called brand awareness, and it plays a big role in shaping our purchasing decisions.

    Brand awareness is all about how familiar consumers are with a particular brand, and depending on that, they would be more likely to consider it when making a purchase. That’s why building brand awareness is such an important part of any marketing strategy: it could be a decision changer. 

    To get to this point, we need to pass the old-ways of thinking. People are aware no brand is perfect, and they are not looking for that. It’s important to communicate a message that actually is appealing to the consumer to build that kind of relationship where a person sees a brand and feels connected to it, the “I won’t even hesitate” while they take the product or buy the service. 

    There are a few different ways that brands can build awareness: traditional advertising, like TV commercials and radio spots, are still on the go, but we can all agree that, these days, it’s all about being strongly present in social media and as we indicated in our State of Influencer Marketing report, using influencer marketing is on the top list of marketing strategies in every 8 out of 10 marketers. 

    By partnering with influencers who have a deep influence in some consumers, brands can reach a wider audience and get their name in front of more people, but without the “I just want you to buy me” tag; when people see their favourite influencer using or promoting a particular product, they’re more likely to remember the brand and consider it in the future, or the feel the FOMO if they don’t belong to the “brand group”.

    Actually, as we reported in our study based on Communications Matters data, 66% of Gen-Zers are more likely to trust recommendations from friends, family members, or influencers on social platforms. More than just that, 82% have purchased, researched or considered purchasing a product or service after seeing friends, family, or influencers post about it.

    Of course, it’s not just about getting your brand in front of people, it’s also important to make sure that your brand is memorable and stands out from the competition. This is where things like branding, messaging, and product design come into the equation: by creating a unique and memorable brand identity, driving the correct message, you can make yourself room in the mind of the consumers.

    Overall, brand awareness is all about making sure that people know who you are and what you have to say, but here comes a tricky situation: being aligned with your target and consumer values needs to be based on real actions, and not being there just by words. 

    One key to building your brand image is brand trust. When you build trust in your brand, you solidify your image in the minds of consumers.”

    Forbes, 2023

    Being “woke”: what’s the strategy? 

    The answer is: it’s not a strategy. Or, at least, it should not. 

    The highlighted audience of these past years and upcoming ones are the Gen-Zers and Millennials, both audiences that are strongly committed to social causes, taking action in protecting their moral values and changing the cultural rules to build a better future. Words like revolution, deconstruction and emotional responsibility are strongly present in their daily vocabulary. For them a classic ad with the benefits of the brand is not the way to go, so we need to care about what they care about, and we need to be in their relevant topics to be considered one of them.  

    A brand can be considered “woke” if it demonstrates a commitment to this social justice concept and equity in its practices and messaging. This can include taking a stance on issues related to race, gender, and other marginalised groups, actively engaging in social and political causes, and promoting diversity and inclusivity in its products and marketing. This last scenario is extremely important, since we need to actually care for all types of people, and not only the ideal buyer. 

    However, it’s also important to note that being “woke” is not just about making statements or using the right buzzwords. A brand that wants to be seen as “woke” must also be willing to take action and make real changes to its practices and policies: diversifying its workforce, promoting equitable hiring and promotion practices, and supporting causes that align with its values; actions that sometimes are not published in some media or drive leads, but that’s what being empathetic is about: we cannot do it for the likes. 

    It’s indispensable for brands to be authentic and transparent in their messaging and practices, since consumers are increasingly aware of “woke-washing”, where brands use social justice causes as a marketing ploy without actually making substantive changes to their practices, and this can lead to the feared cancellation on social media. In order to be seen as truly “woke”, a brand must be willing to back up its messaging with real action and demonstrate a genuine commitment to the social cause they stand for. 

    Influencer’s role in brand awareness

    Influencers can play an important role in a brand’s awareness strategy since they can help humanise a brand and make it more relatable to consumers, create a sense of social proof, as consumers may be more likely to trust the opinions and recommendations of people they follow on social media, ultimately, a brand can drive its values through the right choice of influencer representation.

    Influencer marketing can help brands reach niche or hard-to-reach audiences. For example, if a brand wants to target a specific demographic or group, they can partner with micro influencers who have a large following within that group. This can be particularly effective for brands that operate in niche or specialised markets, and at SAMY we have studied these niche decentralised communities to understand how to get brands in there without disrupting the environment they protect so dearly. 

    However, it’s important to note that influencer marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution, it cannot protect a brand from woke-washing and, without the proper selection, it can backfire the communication of a brand to be involved with certain digital-famous people. It’s important for any brands to carefully consider their target audience, messaging, and overall marketing strategy before investing in influencer marketing, and not stopping at that point. Brands should be transparent about their partnerships with influencers and ensure that any sponsored content is clearly labelled as such.

    Cancel culture is another proof that Gen-Z and Zillennials are, each day, taking more control over their digital spaces and are willing to fight for the protection of their ideals, and will call out any practice that they consider dishonest. According to the Insider, some see it as a necessary means of holding people accountable for their actions, while others view it as a form of “justice” that can create a toxic and intolerant environment. Whether it’s a good practice or not, brands need to be aware of the damage it can represent to the reputation of the brand, and the only way they can protect themselves from cancel culture is by being coherent and authentic with their actions and words, monitoring social media, having a crisis communication plan in place, engaging through different channels, and taking responsibility and action if needed.

  • Even the biggest luxury brands can take their game even higher with the correct choice of ambassadors and representatives.

    This is such the case of Dior with Kpop singer and BTS member Park Jimin. We might believe that there are brands that “already made it”, that do not need more upgrades or changes or are already so positioned that they just follow their own rules, but that’s far away from the truth. All brands need to move forward, based on their values and improve what they do by listening to their customers’ to meet their needs and desires.

    That was the case of the luxury fashion brand DIOR, which was selected in 2022 as the second most popular luxury brand in the world by Luxe Digital Magazine, when it announced on January 16th that BTS member Jimin is their ambassador and he would be attending the Paris Fashion Week. 

    In less than a week Dior became the biggest winner in the market, and we can see it both socially and financially.

    On the socially-digital topic, we just need to check the announcement posts by Dior’s social media: they became the highest liked in the history of the brand’s account on Twitter and Instagram

    Then we can check the brand’s financial status: Investing, one of the top three global financial websites in the world, shows that Dior’s stocks hit an all-time high after Jimin was named as their new brand ambassador. The brand, listed on the stock market since 1992, saw its stock price rise to €775.50 EUR on the day of the announcement (Jan 16), and reach €789.00 EUR by Jan 18, marking its highest record in 31 years.

    As Dior expands its reach in South Korea, the brand is taking advantage of the country’s high spending on personal luxury goods. At $325 per person per year, South Korea has the highest spending on fashion-luxury items, according to Reuters and Morgan Stanley, making smart alliances is not only about entering the country’s market but also sharing its reach. And that leads us to the final point: ambassadors.

    Dior has maintained its presence as a luxury fashion house for decades, so, why do they need new ambassadors?

    Precisely to get new audiences. KPop has been rising and has a global reach, so it’s not only about getting the Asian market to buy their goods, it is getting popularity among the Gen-Z and Millennials, who are known for being superfans with the Kpop universe. The kind of energy and love that drives people to meet their idol in a venue, either in Seoul, New York or Paris, is what brands are looking for to be involved. 

    According to fashion executives, KPop partnerships (from singers to actors and so called idols) are seen as good investments in the industry because of their influence among their audience, who often see buying the products stars promote or represent as a way of showing their love. Of course, this is the place every brand wants to be in. 

    Luxury houses like Chanel, Prada, Gucci, Valentino, Givenchy, Loewe, Alexander McQueen and many others have signed deals with Kpop idols in recent years. Louis Vuitton, for example, announced all 7 members of BTS as their global ambassadors and their stock value achieved its all-time highest point as well, surpassing $600k stock price (+58k compared to previous month).

    So, we are not talking about small numbers, closing the right deal with the correct ambassador could make a difference in terms of popularity and rentability for a brand (even for those in the big leagues). The ultimate goal of the brands is to increase their credibility and appear more authentic to reach the new generations, and that’s by showing they are connected with people’s favourite idols.

    We need to remember that representatives and influencers transfer their “value” to the brand’s communication, and this happens on all kinds of levels. It’s not only about a luxury bag or scarf anymore, but it is also the brand that Park Jimin uses and fans want to be closer to him and support his actions at the same time, and that is thus becoming a fan of the brand as well.

  • Live shopping or social e-commerce happens on our social media platforms in real-time. How does it work? The brand or one of its influencers shares in real time what products are for sale, their benefits, and even the brand’s favourite products. It reminds us a bit of what we used to see back in time with telecommerce programs; the brand would deeply explain every product in each category. 

    Why should we consider using this tactic as a brand for holiday and after-holiday sales? 

    As mentioned in our “Consumer Trends 2022” report, by 2026, 60% of millennial and Gen Z consumers will prefer purchasing on social platforms over traditional digital commerce platforms. 

    TikTok, the pioneer in video format, is also a pioneer in live video formats.  Live shopping surfs this wave of video content, generating the most powerful bond with the audience.

    Live shopping brings closer the relationship between the brand and the influencer to the audience. When an influencer recommends a brand, customers experience real-time engagement with the brand. They believe the influencer, follow their recommendations and want what they have. Making it live gives the customer a chance to ask all their questions, get some inspiration and ideas and access the most authentic part of the brand. Thanks to this, customers shop smarter. 

    On the other hand, thanks to a live shopping experience, the influencer or the brand can give a more detailed review, giving the audience access to the behind-scenes of the brand. 

    This way they can learn about the values, their way of work and exciting and fun facts about the products. 

    “Nearly one-third of B2B and B2C organizations have included selling on social platforms as part of their digital commerce strategy — motivated by growing customer purchase activity on social channels. As e-tailers vie for market share, brands need to rethink the customer experience and how organizational design supports it.”

    Charles Ruyant Global Head of Performance at Thyga. State of Influencer 2022

    The impact of our influencers over live shopping

    Social e-commerce is expanding fast and is accelerating influencers’ effect on the retail industry by raising the competition. According to RetailDive, 72% of consumers buy and consume influenced by something or somebody they saw on Instagram. Social e-commerce is rapidly evolving, and brands seek to capitalise on all the purchase avenues available. Even McKinsey estimates that by 2026, live stream commerce sales could account for as 20% of all e-commerce. 

    As said in our State of Influencer 2022, Live shopping represents the ultimate expression of retail and Influencer Marketing. The main benefit of live shopping is that it creates an actual real-time shopping experience in which customers and brands become closer. Live shopping allows customers to interact directly with the brand via live Q&As over products. Live shopping is an opportunity to share product details, demos and the ones on sale at that specific moment. 

    If we prioritise our relationship with influencers, we will be on the correct path to building a successful live shopping experience for our audience. Influencers already have their audience, and it’s an audience that believes in them. So, since viewers are already interested in what the influencer has to say, brands have a smaller gap to close when motivating their customer’s purchase decisions. Use the power of your influencer over its audience correctly. 

    Watch out! Some platforms have new ideas for their live shopping experience!

    From YouTube to You

    Three YouTubers have come together to celebrate the holiday season on Youtube. Their mission? Promote beauty products in a stimulating cosy cabin in the woods. But unlike these YouTubers’ typical edited content, this collaboration is broadcasted live for their fans. Opening a new era for Youtube, this unique action “From Youtube to you” opens the holiday shopping season and the expansion of the platform to the live shopping format. 

    POG Picks

    Twitch is restoring its Pog Picks live shopping. Pog Picks, produced by Twitch’s Brand Partnership Studio and hosted by Twitch streamers, showcases products from editorial picks and brand sponsorships and encourages viewers to compete to win the products. 

    Types of POG Picks:

    There are many different types of POG Picks. Holiday Hive, a POG Pick in the US, is a live, interactive game show hosted by streamers sharing products from brand sponsors to inspire viewers to buy during Black Friday and Cyber Monday or other Holiday dates such as Christmas. 

    The POG Pick MultEHevers is a three-hour livestream in Canada featuring viewers predicting the winners of streamer challenges. Brands like Samsung, Chromebook, Doritos and the Source sponsored the MultEHvers. The Black Friday Battle Deal showcases products and head-to-head gaming, where viewers can win sponsor prizes, giveaways, and Twitch gift subscriptions.  


    As we’ve seen in our State of Influencer Marketing 2022, TalkShopLive events statistically have three to nine times more sales than other online pre-orders with a 45% organic cart-to-purchase, so this new in-store experience makes total sense for the platform and the user. Now, the leading live shopping marketplace announces that it will offer customers the option for in-store pickup for the first time in partnership with Best Buy. The platform’s newest innovation eliminates costly shipping expenses while getting products to customers faster than any other live shopping marketplace. TalkShopLive’s in-store pickup is another step in creating a seamless shopping experience for live commerce consumers and connecting the retail landscape.

    Inspired by Amazon

    The Amazon in-app shop allows customers to discover ideas, explore products, and view content created by other customers, influencers, and brands they love. Just like a Tik Tok feed, Inspired features endless photos and videos that the user can swipe through, and once they see something they like, they can buy it with one click. This new in-app shop solves one of the biggest eCommerce websites, the absence of users. This new way of shopping will invite more customers to spend time on Amazon, though they will still have to compete with the other social media apps that offer more than just shopping experiences. 

  • Brands’ competition is at its peak during the holiday season, and the race has already started. 

    Over the last five years, holiday sales in November and December have averaged about 19% of total retail sales*, most of which were driven successfully by influencer marketing strategies. More precisely, 49%* of Christmas sales happen during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but there’s still that 51%* will purchase all the Christmas gifts during the following month.

    Holiday influencer marketing campaigns are typically prepared well in advance to benefit from this crucial sales period.

    How to approach Holiday season campaigns

    From micro- to nano-influencer to macro-influencers, as a brand, you will see that the ones that click with your values and vision are the perfect fit for your campaign.

    Influencer Marketing has become a much more complex solution than it used to be. This is why we want to share the essential tips to succeed in the Holiday season campaign.

    Technology is there, then use it!

    Since 2013 at SamyRoad, we have developed predictive technology aimed at enabling brands to understand crucial variables such as Brand Affinity, an index that quantifies the affinity between the brand itself, the influencer and the audience, or the Content Affinity, which means the identification of the subjects with the highest volume of mentions and interactions through social listening.

    Be emotional and diverse, be authentic

    Influencer marketing is not just about finding the right influencer; we must remember that the message and the way we communicate are essential too. 

    Our target audience is slowly losing their capability of attention, it’s hard to accept, but it’s true: they feel overwhelmed. When you think of all the messages they see simultaneously, only the ones that reach their mind will succeed. 

    Entertainment is king

    Entertain your audience, and make it exciting for them while you keep the brand’s values on point.

    Stay away from the static world; try experimenting and introducing the video format to your campaigns. 

    Think out of the box

    Paid media must be part of your brand’s strategy to increase traffic, sales, and a conversation around your product and brand. You will reach your target and future audiences faster through paid media, especially if you use it accurately and truthfully. The more tools you can use for a more successful influencer campaign, the better outcome you will get from it. 

    It’s time to make a choice: consideration or performance

    It is essential that there is strategic planning in your influencer marketing campaign to be able to define an action plan that is aligned with what the brand expects to obtain from the campaign.

    That’s why as a brand manager you need to define what you expect to obtain from the campaign and whatever you decide it should be easily linked to any of these two goals: consideration or performance.
    Consideration campaigns in Holiday season

    Back to the basics. When you look for a higher consideration towards your brand, you need to either educate or re-educate your customers on all the benefits and features that your brand, products or services offer. Once your audience knows all these positive things about your brand, you need to ensure that they are aware of them during the purchase process and ready for any problem or urgency. 

    Here are the main tips to boost the consideration of your brand: 

    Be part of the influencer’s storytelling 

    As a brand, we cannot intervene as outsiders inside the influencer’s storytelling; you need to be part of it. It needs to feel natural, not an imposed collaboration. The more the brand lives inside the influencer’s story, the more the audience will believe in your brand. 

    Use your product to generate higher empathy in Holiday season

    Create content based on moments or situations the audience will experience in the coming days. Content that empathizes with the audience generates a greater bond with them. The more authentic and relatable content, the more your audience will listen to what you say. 

    Teach your audience how to use your product or when its best to use or consume it, especially for these special dates. 

    If you are in the  food industry, have your influencers cook the perfect Holiday season recipe with your product. If you’re in the makeup industry, have your influencers show how they will use your product for New Year’s Eve. 

    Explore the power of Hashtags

    Choose your format according to the medium you will use, and remember the power of hashtags. Using a hashtag that sticks throughout the campaign will make it easier for your audience to track you. It’s a way of organizing your content under the same folder. 

    Performance campaigns

    We’ve seen during black Friday how influencers not only shared a discount for specific brands but also shared which products they love from the brand. This helped users choose the product from the brand because their influencer uses it.

    Make the audience desire the product.

    The more the influencer leads and guides how to use and when to use specific products, the more the audience will feel like buying them.

    Guide the audience through the influencer

    Using a live format, having the influencer create live content and giving your audience a testimonial about specific products will help them decide and buy the product in less time. 

    Be accessible, always

    The more accessible the audience to access the products, the more traffic your website will get. Therefore make sure that your social media links to your website and your Instagram shop, and make your audience swipe up their favourite.

    “How to create the perfect influencer marketing campaign? Combining all the mediums and platforms we have and constantly reinventing ourselves through creative strategies. And by not living by the book and experimenting with different formats such as case studies, Ebooks, In-person events, podcasts, videos and other types of content.”

    Ricky Pombo Head of Brands & Campaign Strategy At Samy Alliance
  • It is undeniable that today’s creativity and advertising go hand in hand with social media platforms. The familiarity that this new way of targeting the consumer transmits has managed to achieve an even more significant impact in a short time than traditional media. However, is it worth it when it comes to generating content? The answer is no. Although the platforms have achieved excellent results in recent years, the truth is that the consumer needs new stimuli. The excess of advertising is becoming increasingly exhausting and is beginning to generate rejection among the audience.

    How to solve it? Brands are transparent; creativity must be the main ingredient for Influencer Marketing campaigns to be accepted naturally and organically. And the primary goal of campaigns with influencers is to generate brand awareness and increase engagement with their audiences. This has raised different debates within agencies about influencers’ participation in the creative process of campaigns. After all,  they know their followers and what works for them.

    Influencers as a creative part of the process

    It is impossible not to have heard of the latest advertising campaign for the Spanish food service start-up specializing in hamburgers: Vicio. A campaign around a play on words with the name of the competition (GOIKO) and the leading influencer (Jessica Goicoechea). 

    “This is the first campaign of this style that we carried out in Vice, and we wanted to be faithful to our style. Having Jessica as the first visible face of Vice could not make us more excited since we both share values and principles when it comes to communicating. At Vicio, we are natural and honest, and we like to define our style as “Elegant Flash”. We believe that our values fit perfectly with Jessica and with the content she creates”, points out its Co-founder and Co-CEO.

    This campaign is a clear example of how unity is strength since it meets all the requirements for success; creativity, innovation and ingenuity through its key protagonist, the influencer Jessica Goicochea.

    Influencers and creativity: the main characters 

    In addition to the Vicio campaign, we find other brands where the strategy spins around creativity, such as the Nutella campaign. In it, not only does creativity stand out, but also the correct choice of the protagonists to transmit the messages. Through “We have good things at home”, the campaign vindicates our land’s beauty, honouring our country’s unique landscapes thanks to its special edition jars. For this, the Samyroad agency created a strategy where everything took place in creating a space called “Casa Nutella”. A set of fun and educational activities were carried out by a group of influencers from different parts of the country, including Tania Llasera, Tomas Páramo, Alma Obregón and Barbesito, who transmitted the event through his Twitch account. This experiential event, where the influencers enjoyed different challenges related to our country’s landscapes and cooking, was a complete success thanks to the fact that it reached the audience in an organic, distinctive and creative way, providing value and content.

    These campaigns are clear benchmarks of how creativity in Influencer Marketing is, without a doubt, one of its cornerstones. With it, we not only manage to generate value in the audiences and position brands, but it also allows us to win over influencers when transmitting their messages. As we mentioned earlier, no one knows their followers better than they do, and nothing is more motivating for them than participating and being part of campaigns where they have a fundamental role and are listened to give their audience the quality content they deserve.