• Fox channels

    Date: April 4, 2018

    The one where we helped FOX connect with their audience
    COUNTRY: Portugal

    The Ask
    Fox Channels launched a new corporate campaign transversal to all their TV networks. The goal was to connect their audience to their content, creating a engagement-oriented campaign called Hi Portugal!

    The SfB Solution
    Identification of influencers through ShineBuzz + creation of an engagement based campaign where influencers reacted live when they favorite Hollywood star said “Hello” on camera directly to them

    The Key figures
    47 pieces of influencer-generated content
    1.1M organic impressions

  • The one where we increased MICROSOFT’s brand awareness
    PROJECT: #BossLadies
    COUNTRY: Portugal

    The Ask
    Microsoft was looking to increase brand awareness and to create high quality content for their digital channels, increasing the loved brand status in Portugal.

    The SfB Solution
    Conceptualization of the #BossLadies campaign, identification of successful professional women through Shinebuzz and production of branded content.

    The Key figures
    29 pieces of influencer-generated content
    $0,10 cost per interaction
    And we made it to the press!