Key factor to meet Black Friday 2021

Date: November 18, 2021

Category: Social Media

This 2021 has been a different year where the need for social distancing, the impending economic crisis and the existence of a more conscious consumer make brands rethink their strategies for this Black Friday, one of the most consolidated and relevant events in terms of sales for companies.

The 10 keys to Black Friday 2021

Local proximity

Until the advent of the pandemic, most of the BF conversion revolved around deep markdowns and discounts. However, with all that has happened, there has been a change in the consumer, who is more inclined to small businesses, the neighborhood, in short, local consumption. These smaller businesses cannot afford big sales, but they can participate in the BF with a small extra gift or free shipping of their product.

Proof of this is Amazon, which in 2020 was the brand with the most mentions on BF, because it is a place where consumers can purchase products from different brands, many of them from small brands.

Responsible consumption 

The trend is towards sustainable and conscious consumption. As a result, brands are encouraging their consumers to follow this conscious consumption and, instead of offering massive markdowns, are focusing on appreciating their most loyal customers. 

The more discerning consumer group is more willing to invest in brands that strive for positive change, revolve around social causes and support small businesses, indicating a shift towards sustainable shopping.

Growth in gaming

Undoubtedly, the sector that is experiencing the greatest growth, and that at BF will be one of the most demanded, is gaming. Consumers have the opportunity to enhance their gaming experience with the most expensive devices (headsets, new consoles…).

Given this consumer trend, brands have the opportunity to gamify this Black Friday around these products. Engagement through call to actions is key for brands’ target audiences.

In addition to gaming, technology in general, beauty, fashion and entertainment dominate the Black Friday social conversation. Already in the 2020 campaign, 63% of mentions corresponded to these four industries: technology (26%), beauty (15%), entertainment (14%) and fashion (9%).

The power of technology

The pandemic has accelerated digitalization in such a way that new technologies have been implemented that improve people’s relationships, habits and lifestyles.

For example, augmented reality is enhancing the reality of online shopping especially in fashion and home décor. High volume and growing participation of voice-enabled solutions with Alexa and Google Home will be experienced.

In addition, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is helping stores learn about their shoppers, and personalize their online shopping experience, where big data plays an important role in creating personalized experiences for those customers.

Anti-BF campaigns

Covid-19 has changed the order of consumer preferences. Brands are aware of the continuous change and have taken advantage of the great communication milestone of Black Friday to join important movements that, in some way, go against the traditional BF. An example of this is the Blue Friday campaign where the Sea Shepherd brand encouraged consumers to buy sustainable holiday gifts.

On the other hand, the general trend of consumers to consume less in the BF has generated a response from brands to advance their offers and keep them for longer, thus creating more opportunities for more conscious customers to avoid compulsive consumption.

Video, the star format

Videos in which influencers describe their favorite products resonate with a better audience and come across more naturally to users. The positive comments posted by users show the authenticity of the video and how influencers are received with more trust than brands. Part of the positive impact of video is triggered by the popularity of Tik Tok. Carousel formats also work well to get the message across quickly.

Call to actions

Calls to action along with BF promotion are well perceived by users. The best-received posts are those asking users to choose their favorite products or to comment or click on them. Also to click on the link in the bio to join a “close friends” list or a loyalty program to get exclusive offers.


Memes also attract a large majority of positive comments on BF posts. They are mostly used by small companies with a creative approach that keeps them active in these days of so much competition, although big beauty brands are also assiduous with them.

Contests and gifts 

Contests and giveaways are a must that works perfectly in this campaign. To get these gifts, brands ask users to tag their acquaintances, to like and follow the brand to win. It is a simple way to gain followers, engagement, to please and to make users aware of your products. In addition, for the influencers who are the voice of the sweepstakes, it is an opportunity to gain trust with their loyal followers, who are rewarded for their loyalty. 

Influencers, the visible face of campaigns

When e-commerce meets social networking, it is known as social shopping. This involves aspects of social media, such as groups, communities, recommendations and discussions, as well as the core function of e-commerce: selling products and services online. To help with all this, influencers are the best bet to achieve this.

There has been a shift from “like” buttons to “buy” buttons, and platforms are making it easier for users to purchase through the platform. Influencers can speak intimately to their audiences, driving choices and sales directly to e-commerce.

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