• With a meteoric rise to the top of the most downloaded iOS apps, Clubhouse is currently positioned as one of the social livestreaming platforms with the most potential.

    Launched in April 2020, the platform currently has more than 10 million active users per week and expects to reach even more people in 2021 with its arrival on Android in mid-2021.

    What’s so special about Clubhouse?

    Clubhouse is all about the sound. The platform is born from the podcast concept and adds a twist: live and interactive experience. In addition, the invitation-only access and the fact that it is, for the moment, an iPhone-only product, creates a sense of exclusivity.

    The magic of livestreaming, already discussed in our article about Twitch, is based on several key points. On the one hand, we have the dreaded FOMO, fear of missing out, people want to be part of something that is happening at that moment and will only happen at that moment. On the other hand, we have the possibility of active participation by the audience, who can easily become part of the group of speakers.

    The potential of the livestreaming platform

    The platform is still growing and adding more features in a continuous improvement of the platform, focusing on helping creators, improving technicalities and listening to user requests.

    Clubhouse offers a new way for brands to socialise with audiences. There are several ways to do this, here are some of them:

    • Sponsoring a room: Invite people to talk about a specific topic with public sponsorship of your brand.
    • Round tables: create a space for discussion of a specific topic moderated by the brand.
    • Active participation in different rooms: the brand can be a participant in the rooms created by users.

    Dare to be creative

    The fear of unpredictability in the livestreaming world is real, but the possibilities it offers are even greater.

    A prime example of this is the narrative games that are already being played on the platform. As Marketing Directo points out in this article (in Spanish), they have almost unlimited potential for brands.

    On April 17th, a group of users, led by Goya winner for best original screenplay David Pulido, created an investigation game based on the murder on the Orient Express. In this game, users could walk through its carriages and listen to the conversations of its characters to try to find out, through clues and situations, who was guilty of the murder committed.

    Gathering a total of 188 spectators and participants during the more than three hours of the event, the innovative and immersive narrative created by Pulido became a mass success.

    A brand could create, with the help of skilled hands, an original sponsored narrative game that will engage the audience, generating visibility and desired buzz around it, even including prizes for the winner(s).

    Need help or want to know more about livestreaming platforms?

    At SamyRoad, we are experts in partnership campaigns with profiles and creating original and engaging content for audiences.

    If you are interested in learning more about the possibilities of the platforms and how we can help you, contact us.

  • Twitch as an Influencer Marketing platform

    Twitch is, nowadays, one of the main platforms to take into account when carrying out an influencer marketing strategy, thanks to its capacity for reach, engagement and providing the naturalness that brands and users are looking for.

    Social networks are constantly evolving, adapting to the needs of their users and offering continuous modifications and improvements to keep up to date with trends in the digital world.

    At the moment, livestreaming is, without a doubt, one of the concepts most in demand by the public, thanks to both the immediacy of the moment and the generation of the dreaded FOMO.

    And when it comes to livestreaming, Twitch is undoubtedly the king.

    But… What is Twitch?

    Born in 2011, Twitch is a livestreaming platform that gained popularity in the gaming world thanks to its functionalities, which made it easy to show live games, gameplays, as well as live streams simply by talking.

    The peak of the platform was achieved in the early 2020s, when, during the lockdown, many people were encouraged to join as users and feel more like they were in the company of others, and thousands, if not millions, of new viewers were hooked.

    How influencer marketing appears on the platform

    More and more consumers are looking for naturalness in influencers and there is no better way to achieve this than live. In a live show, you can’t predict what is going to happen or what you are going to talk about, and it generates a sense of closeness and direct conversation with the audience.

    Brands definitely recognise the potential of this type of close relationship between influencers and have not hesitated to jump on the streaming bandwagon which, although it carries risks, the benefits it brings are even greater.

    Entertain First, Advertise Second

    Although this concept is increasingly being taken on board by profiles and brands, it is undoubtedly Twitch’s maxim. The consumer does not want to see a clear advertisement when they are navigating their social networks or watching a live stream of their favourite streamer, they want to be entertained.

    Something that brands must assume is that their product is not going to be the protagonist, the protagonist is the entertainment, and therefore the influencer. It is not so much interesting to see the product, although it can be entertaining, as it is to see the streamer’s reaction to the product.

    Why choose Twitch for my brand

    The platform has several strengths that encourage you as a brand to collaborate with streamers.

    • It is multi-sectorial, although most people consider Twitch to be a platform focused on the world of video games, more and more different types of topics are associated with it.
    • More than half of Twitch users are between 18 and 30 years old, 65% of whom are male (according to GlobalWebindex), i.e. an audience that is very difficult to reach by other means.
    • The average Twitch user spends 95 minutes a day on Twitch. These users, or viewers, also become loyal followers of the live streams they watch.
    • Amazon bought Twitch on 2014.Since then its profits have grown to generate $1.54 billion in 2019.
    • Depending on the type of content, we find a niche audience, which helps to reach people with very specific characteristics.
    • Due to its format, Twitch presents new ways to promote your product or service, such as unboxings, giveaways or shoutouts. In addition, you can measure performance by including, if you wish, a direct link to your brand’s e-commerce.

    Want to know more about how to implement it in your strategy?

    The options offered by Twitch are very varied, at Samyroad we have prepared a report on the platform, here you have the preview.

    In addition, we did a webinar on the rise of livestreaming platforms, if you missed it you can watch the full recording here (in Spanish).

    If you want to know more about the possibilities of Twitch, about how to integrate an influencer marketing strategy in your brand or you are just curious to meet us, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Sources: backlinko, businessofapps, GlobalWebindex, Rockwater