• Are streaming platforms using influencer’s content to leverage their presence in media?

    That’s the question that popped out in our heads when we started seeing different streaming platforms releasing docuseries and special programs about influencers’ lives, such as Georgina by Netflix, The Ferragnez or Dulceida Al Desnudo by Amazon Prime Video, or even hosting different kinds of events with world-recognised streamers, like Ibai Llanos and Twitch. What would they do for this course of action? What would they expect from these collaborations?

    To understand this match and how it could be made in heaven, we need to establish some ground: 

    • The number of subscriptions to online video streaming services worldwide reached 1.1 billion in 2020
    • The most popular type of digital subscriptions are streaming services, which 90% of consumers subscribe to, according to a survey ran by Forbes.
    • Consumer interest in video game streaming is growing rapidly among users and is a $9.3 billion per year industry.
    • Americans spend an average of 13 hours and 11 minutes a day using digital media.
    • Total video streaming time by users increased by 18% from 2021 to 2022

    Now, if we cross the evident data that we have about the interest of current generations on streaming platforms with their love and admiration for influencers, we have a great opportunity for the streaming brand that is beyond any direct marketing they could do.

    How to attract customers? They have billboards, marketing campaigns, social media presence… How else can they stand out among each other? The answer is, of course, with influencers. And not in a traditional way.

    By partnering with influencers, brands can access their established communities and leverage their authentic influence and fanbase to indirectly promote the streaming brand. As in today, brands need to start leveraging all connection points they have, and reaching media outlets and social media is kind of hard if you’re not the center of attention… But you can be.

    That’s what they have learned so far. They don’t need to make it about themselves, but to give users a reason to talk about them without them even focusing on the brand, but their original and proprietary content, and this means: creating content around influencers 

    Authenticity and genuine connections are key elements of influencers; they make audiences need to see themselves as close to them, so streaming platforms are an ideal place to offer users meeting points, building trust and increasing engagement by transferring influencer sentiment to the brand.


    To prove our theory, we ran a social listening exercise to understand the impact some docuseries have had on their production brand. In this specific case we are talking about Georgina by Netflix, and The Ferragnez or Dulceida Al Desnudo by Amazon Prime Video.

    Georgina by NETFLIXThe Ferragnez  by Amazon Prime Video.Dulceida Al Desnudo by Amazon Prime Video.
    General NewsShare of voice  53%General NewsShare of voice 60 %General NewsShare of voice  40%
    TwitterShare of voice  22%TwitterShare of voice  25%TwitterShare of voice  39%
    Youtube Share of voice  13%Blogs  Share of voice  7%Youtube  Share of voice  10%

    We looked for the share of comments or mentions that the platforms had in relation to the influencers name and content, and as we can see, most of the share belongs to media outlets. Without needing to launch a campaign, both Netflix and Prime achieved to dominate the media space by leveraging the relevance that influencers have for audiences.


    Aside from the benefits of creating proprietary content around influencers to attract attention not only by the fans but also by media channels, platforms such as Twitch also offer advertisers unique opportunities to create immersive experiences that go beyond traditional advertising formats. Features such as live chats and exclusive promotions allow brands to foster direct interactions with viewers, leading to increased engagement and a sense of community around the brand.

    • By 2022, Twitch had 140 million unique monthly visitors, with 107,800 live Twitch broadcasts going on at any given time.
    • According to our surveys, 6% of Gen-Z are already discovering new products or services on Twitch

    We need to remember that younger generations are looking for places to connect and feel free of sharing their interests and needs, and that’s why these spaces are so sacred and relevant for them. This is the reason why the recent law regarding the content restriction imposed by the European Camera could represent a huge pain for brands, streamers and audiences; if they feel they’re being controlled, this could affect the whole dynamic established, and most likely would imply that they’ll go find that connection elsewhere. 

    But, as long as the platform is still a safe-place for the niche communities, it can become a paradise for users (and, therefore, for brands). Such was the case of “La Velada del Año 3”, an event hosted by the Spanish streamer Ibai Llanos, where he showed a live boxing event that already gathered over 65 thousand people in the stadium Cívitas Metropolitano in Madrid, Spain, with guests such as Quevedo, Feid, Ozuna, Duki, Nicki Nicole.

    • 3.4 millions of users connected for +8 hours on a livestream.
    • Viewers’ peak: 3.449.999M
    • Average number of live users: 2,893,443M
    • Unique viewers: 15,197,859M
    • Broadcasting time: 8h and 13m
    • Live views: 100,435,114M

    This has become, officially, the stream with the most views in history.

    But why is this happening? Because of the power of influencing. Public figures like Ibai Llanos represent the new idols, people that are already an expert on some matter and that leverage platforms to connect to the audiences in a different and constant way. We all daydream about meeting our idols, but the streamers connect with their communities on a daily basis, making them engage more with the content and feeling like they are, basically, the closest people to them; promoting support, empathy and affection. 

    In fact, NOBOX’s strategy for Emperador® Xtra Power® as a sponsor got millions of people to see the iconic characters, “THE EMPERADOR® GUARDIANS”, accompany Rivers in her epic entrance to the ring, being one of the most mentioned of the event. This simple but powerful action allowed them to be on everyone’s lips, including those of other brands, media and influencers, without them even realising it, positioning the brand as the ideal ally of the biggest streaming representative in Latin America.

    So, instead of spending all the budget on billboards or campaigns to tell the communities that a brand care about them and their interest, some of them are already getting involved with their passions, such was the case of ElPozo King Upp, Mahou, Grefusa, Alsa, iGraal, Spotify, PlayStation, Coca-Cola and Revolut, sponsors of La Velada del Año, knowing that being connected to streamers and Twitch means being connected to the Gen-Z and Alpha. 

  • Influencer marketing has become an increasingly popular tool for brands to connect with their target audience on social media. However, with so many brands jumping on the influencer bandwagon, it can be challenging to stand out and make an impact. To take your influencer marketing strategy to the next level, you need to incorporate paid media and data intelligence.

    Thyga brings creativity, data and strategy together to create the most efficient paid media plan at a fraction of the cost. And, by being part of the Samy Alliance network of digital agencies, SamyRoad can integrate efforts with Thyga to boost the results of our campaigns. 

    We focus on four key pillars: finding the right person (overcoming targeting restrictions to ensure only the target audience is exposed to the campaign), partnering with innovative social platforms, utilising relevant influencers and ambassadors, and optimising the media spend to conversion rather than just engagement. 

    Thyga uses unique research, creative, and influencer capabilities to improve media performance. As a paid media agency obsessed with delivering the right message to the right person, the data-driven approach allows us to understand your audience better, deliver effective messaging, and reach them with higher cost efficiency.

    Our data intelligence suite is used to identify the right influencers to work with. By analysing data on social media engagement, audience demographics, and interests, we can identify the social media authors who are most likely to resonate with your target audience. This ensures we find ultra relevant influencers that are more effective in driving engagement and conversions for your campaigns.

    With this approach, Thyga can use paid media to amplify the reach of influencer content, ensuring that it reaches a wider audience that may not have seen the post organically. And, with that, we track the performance of your influencer campaigns by monitoring metrics, comparing them with our predictions and therefore gaining insights into what’s working and what’s not. This information can be used to optimise future influencer campaigns and improve ROI.

    Our ultimate goal at Thyga is to increase the effectiveness and precision of your influencer marketing strategy. We do this by leveraging top-notch influencer content, tracking campaign performance in real-time, and having the guarantee of results. With over 10 years of experience creating innovative and disruptive experiences, our team of experts is committed to helping your brand reach its target audience on social media in the most effective way possible.

    For more information on Thyga, visit our website or get in touch at contact@thyga.com


    It’s clear that influencer campaigns are a highly effective strategy, as evidenced by the fact that 8 out of 10 marketers plan to allocate 10-20% of their budget towards it in 2022-2023. Actually, the market size of influencer marketing is projected to reach $21.1 billion, according to Viralyft.

    What all these numbers reveal? That brands and businesses recognise the value of influencer marketing, not just for increasing awareness, but also for driving sales. In fact, our study, State of the Influencer Marketing, shows that 36% of marketers consider driving sales to be the most important conversion metric for their IM strategy.

    The rise of influencers has created a booming “creator economy,” revolutionising the way businesses and brands engage with consumers

    Forbes, 2023

    Truth be told, influencer marketing is a profitable business. Various media outlets and studies have highlighted the key elements of an effective marketing strategy, including setting clear goals, selecting the right influencer, considering their reach and expertise, ensuring brand values align, developing a content strategy, and measuring results. The question, now, is how to achieve these goals.

    In the Influencer world, there is room for all sizes and territories

    Regarding the “size” or “reach” of influencers, it is outdated to believe that the largest influencer is always the best choice just because of that. Several factors must be taken into consideration, including the niche we are trying to reach as a brand, whether it’s our established target audience or a new business opportunity.

    Actually, selecting hyper-specialised influencers is becoming increasingly popular, with some brands finding their work to be more relevant and relatable to their fanbase, which provides a great opportunity for local and regional influencers as well.

    However, the main question remains: how do we filter, select, and develop a strategy with the right influencer? Many CMOs and CEOs are concerned with this issue. Fortunately, through innovation in technology and solutions, we have discovered a way to achieve these goals.

    The role of AI in Influencer Marketing Campaigns

    In today’s influencer marketing industry, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the way brands identify and collaborate with influencers. By analysing key data such as engagement rates, audience demographics, and content quality, AI-powered systems can help brands efficiently and effectively select the right influencers for their campaigns, saving valuable time and resources.

    We have taken our 10 years of experience in the field to develop our own AI tools that enable us to plan, strategize, create, execute, and evaluate influencer marketing campaigns with unparalleled precision and customization. Our AI-based approach ensures that each campaign is tailored to the unique needs of our clients, delivering optimal results every time. 

    Influencer campaigns tools: we take the high Road

    We offer a range of tools and services to help brands optimise their digital marketing strategies. We start with our digital strategy audit, which measures brand reputation and compares it to competitors, giving us valuable insights into a brand’s current position and potential opportunities.

    This way we can analyse the latest consumer trends and social media content, using social listening to identify the topics that generate the most traction among audiences. Our ShineBuzz AI technology helps us identify the best match among over 120 million Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) for successful social media campaigns.

    In addition, we use advanced analytics tools to identify niche influencers and non-influential characters who are driving conversations on social media in specific territories. We also analyse the affinity between influencers and brand profiles to create awareness among target audiences.

    Our technology provides optimal benchmark prices for each influencer, taking into account performance KPIs, demographics, platforms, and formats. We also monitor campaign success and analyse KPIs of each publication comparatively, to determine the effectiveness of each influencer and compare strategies with competitors.

    With this suite of tools and services, we help brands predict, plan, and report on their influencer marketing campaigns, providing valuable insights into market benchmarks and performance metrics.

    Influencer marketing is here to stay as a powerful tool for brands to reach potential customers throughout various stages of their decision-making process. With the help of AI technology, brands can now identify the right influencers to collaborate with more efficiently and, combining the human expertise, develop hyper-personalised campaigns that resonate with their target audience and achieve their business goals of digital strategy, unlocking the full potential of influencers.

  • Influencer marketing has become an essential tool for brands to connect with their target audience, and that’s already said and set, embraced by companies of all sizes. As the industry continues to grow and evolve, it is crucial for brands to keep up with the latest trends in influencer marketing to stay ahead of their competitors, and the way to go on this is by understanding the shape of influencer marketing strategy for these upcoming years

    “Brands are increasingly recognising influencers as professional publishers with valuable audiences (…) Even behemoth social media companies recognise the pull influencers have in connecting people and keeping them engaged on their platforms—so much so that they’re actually designing some of their new features specifically to support creators’ business efforts ”

    Forbes, 2023

    The need for authenticity: believe the expert 

    Authenticity has become a buzzword in the influencer marketing world. Both brands and consumers are becoming more aware of fake followers and fake stats on social media, and users resent that. They are not looking for perfect idols anymore, but authenticity and realness. Brands that collaborate with influencers need to ensure that the influencers they work with have an actual and genuine connection with their audience, and have a place among them as equals.

    In 2023, we can expect to see brands focusing more on authenticity and collaborating with influencers and niche influencers who have an honest connection with their audience, based on interests and talents.

    Consumers are more likely to trust an influencer who they perceive as an expert in their field, this means that brands need to work with influencers who have a solid understanding of the industry they are promoting, but also rely on their knowledge and expertise; no one understands the target as they do.

    Partnering with influencers who have an intimate knowledge of their niche will enable brands to establish a deeper level of trust with their target audience, thus significantly improving their likelihood of success in influencer marketing campaigns. To achieve this, choosing the right influencer is key.

    Exploring the Metaverse

    The Metaverse needs no explanation at this point, and it has become an exciting platform for brands to connect with their target audience, offering new spaces, goods, and experiences worldwide – all from the comfort of each individual’s home.

    One of the most interesting aspects of the Metaverse is the possibility of having virtual ambassadors, also known as digital influencers. These are characters developed by brands or individuals that can represent them in the virtual world and, getting ahead of the upcoming Fashion Week, beauty and fashion brands are the ones rocking these virtual ambassadors, showing how amazingly effective they can be in promoting products and the brand itself in the Metaverse.The use of virtual ambassadors is just one example of the many opportunities that the Metaverse offers to brands. As more and more people spend time in this virtual world, brands have the chance to engage with their target audience in new and innovative ways. By building a presence in the Metaverse, brands can create a unique experience for users and establish a strong connection with their audience that can translate into increased brand awareness and loyalty.

    Live Shopping

    Live shopping is becoming increasingly popular in the influencer marketing world. It allows consumers to interact with influencers in real-time and purchase products directly from the live stream, a whole entertaining and unique experience.

    The game changer here is to build confidence: people want to be sure about what they are buying, as well as excited to see their favourite influencer talk about it.

    According to Statista, the primary benefits of livestream shopping globally are the ability to access exclusive discounts and use it as a source of inspiration and ideas. Additionally, 31% of respondents stated that this purchasing channel enabled them to shop smarter and make more informed buying decisions.

    Therefore, we can assure that collaborating with influencers to host live shopping events will represent a great strategy in the upcoming years, and it will result in a highly engaging and interactive shopping experience that will significantly increase the possibilities of consumers making a purchase.

    Niche Influencers

    As stated in our report “The rise of niche communities”, with this action involved in a strategy brands will have direct access to the target audience, meaning they can talk and communicate with them directly. Not only will they increase loyalty towards the brand, but also will get first-hand insights, challenges, goals and feedback.

    Either way, users are extremely jealous and protective with their close spaces, therefore the best way to access to them is through niche influencers; who’s that might not seem as shiny, but have the strongest bond in the community, and understanding why they are there is the base to give proper information that will result into buying decisions for them.

    Why are communities looking for decentralised spaces?

    Discover new things77%
    Connect with people who have similar interests66%
    Find funny/entertaining content62%
    Keep up with the news/current events60%
    Ask a question to people knowledgeable about a topic60%
    To seek honest advice55%
    Get a recommendation for a product/service to buy54%
    To have a safe space to share ideas, thoughts, etc.49%
    To have genuine conversations with other people44%
    To share advice38%
    As we can see, it’s not only about showing off a product in these spaces, it’s about offering a solution based on the interests of people who belong there. And that’s why we, as brands, need an insider.

    Best Platforms to be IN

    In today’s ever-changing digital landscape, influencer marketing has become a crucial tool for brands to connect with their target audience. As the popularity of social media continues to grow, so does the number of platforms available for influencer marketing. While Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are currently the most popular platforms for influencer marketing, it is important to note that the best platform for your brand may differ based on your industry and target audience. For instance, a brand that caters to young people may find TikTok to be the best platform, while a brand targeting professionals may find LinkedIn to be more effective.

    Looking ahead, we can expect to see more brands explore new and emerging platforms for influencer marketing. Clubhouse, the audio-based social media app, has already gained significant traction among certain audiences, and brands are starting to take notice. Similarly, Reddit, Twitch, and Discord are all platforms that have the potential to become popular for influencer marketing in the near future.

    By staying informed on the latest trends and platforms, brands can stay ahead of the curve and effectively reach their target audience through influencer marketing.

    Down to business: is it worth the Investment?

    Influencer marketing has been proven to be a valuable tool for brands to reach their target audience and increase brand awareness. By connecting with their audience in a more authentic and personal way, brands can increase sales and revenue. As such, we can expect to see more brands investing in influencer marketing, since 8 out of 10 marketers intended to dedicate from 10% to 20% of the marketing budget to Influencer Marketing in 2022, given the potential for high returns on investment.

    However, influencer marketing is an ever-evolving industry, and brands need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends to stay ahead of competitors. It’s, indeed, a huge effort and strategy that needs to guarantee that this ally will retrieve the investment in terms of growth and driving sales, and understanding the needs of brands and considering the over 90.000 content creators that signed up for TikTok only in 2022, we saw the need of developing specialised high-tech tools to assure effective influencer marketing campaigns.

  • A new entertainment channel and new frontiers

    The possibility for streamers to adapt classic entertainment (series, movies…) to the virtual world is something that has not stopped growing since the appearance of Twitch. 

    The Twitch series consists of grouping many content creators in a specific game. Once in the game, streamers generally follow a roll. Some are heroes, others villains, and others are. The game and the roles create a scenario where various plots occur, as diverse as the series’ participants or the game’s possibilities and new frontiers.

    What kind of entertainment?

    Although the concept of “series” is not new, you can find examples of this on Youtube (see the different chapters of Rubius in Skyrim 13 years ago). The new direct format that Twitch has made it more difficult for streamers to capture the attention of the public, who can now accompany them for hours.

    Series such as Egoland, for the survival type game Rust, promoted by Alexby, Marbella Vice for GTA and 14 days in DayZ (also survival) created by IlloJuan or Tortillaland in Minecraft; have shown that the narrative format proposed by the series is very successful on Twitch. The public waits week after week for their favourite streamers to broadcast the series. Here we have an excellent example of these new communicators’ influence capacity and a new possibility for influencer marketing in the audiovisual world.

    Streamers manage to adapt real-world series to virtual ones, and the best example is what happened with The Squid Game in Roblox, thanks to Rubius.  Rubius announced that he and 122 other YouTubers would compete for a $100,000 prize. The scenario, the tests and the feeling of tension were identical to the show.   During the event’s day, some participants, such as Auronplay or Ibai, entertained more than  100,000 spectators.

    What opportunities are there for the entertainment platforms?

    Big production companies should start thinking of reproducing the content they intend to release on sandbox-type platforms. Create a series for these platforms with the most successful streamers, as in the Game of Squid case, and create sequels to their greatest hits on Twitch formats. The idea of opening their world to the Twitch streaming world strengthens the relationship with their public and gives a new life to their products.

    Imagine creating special series of Game of Thrones on Twitch, of The Power of the Rings or even a reshoot of Harry Potter. 

    As a marketer, how could we adopt this opportunity for our brand?

    Now that audiovisual products have a better adaptation to the format of the Twitch series, advertisers need to follow this new way of entertainment closely.  Since some of the Twitch series could be the right place to create brand entertainment, add value to the brand, and above all, reinforce the most outstanding attributes of the brand.

    This year, parts of the famous hit Egoland 2 are being adapted to the platform so streamers can enjoy the adventure live and try and survive the whole game. Think of how as a marketer, you could enter these live “games”; how for example, a sports brand or a nature brand could create valuable and enjoyable experiences for their audience and new frontiers.

  • Several content creators and entertainment personalities have joined the NFT craze. 

    People still struggle to understand NFTs, which continues to give the feeling that the majority who bet on them are looking more for speculation on the asset than for their benefit.

    World’s Famous NFTs

    Some of the most famous NFTs in the world are valued at millions of dollars and their main characters are becoming the new Mona Lisa of our time. 

    There are world-famous NFTs artists such as Beeple, a digital artist. He created a series of digital art called Everyday, where the artist created one piece daily. Beeple created an NFT by collecting the first 5 thousand and titled it; “Every day, the first 5,000 days.” This work was auctioned at Christie’s in March 2021 and reached 70 million dollars, becoming the most expensive NFT in history. 

    The Invisible Friends NFT collection created by Swedish artist Marcus Magnusson is becoming the most famous moving collectables in the digital world. Five thousand funny invisible friends with different characteristics, clothes and accessories.

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club collection has 10,000 NFTs with diverse characteristics, attributes and qualities, but one thing in common: they are all bored ape avatars. 

    And many other NFTs collections worth knowing about, are changing the blockchain scenario. 

    What’s going on with these NFTs

    Until now, all the famous stories, books, movies, and characters that have made it in history go viral whenever you start to see all the merchandising. Disney opens a section at their park; you see T-shirts, mugs, posters, toys, and any merchandising you could imagine, and it all falls from a story. 

    Lately, we have spotted a slight change in how we commercialize a character or a story. We´ve seen the order of the events slightly shift, and we build our stories from an image instead of the other way around. 

    We´ve seen how gifs and emojis have developed their storyline; now, these new NFT characters are starting to do so. 

    We no longer need to write the story;  our image needs to be viral and the character in it.

    You can see it for yourself, how a bored ape with goofy glasses and a resting face has gone viral worldwide. 

    The Bored Ape Fever

    Within the NFTs, the Bored Ape Yacht Club, or NFT monkeys, are possibly the best known. Many personalities have their monkey and highlight it on social media.

    But what’s next for the Bored Ape? 

    The possibility of turning the bored ape into a video game is one. It will be a play-to-earn game, a standard formula in recent times within the NFT world. The launch this past March 16 of ApeCoin, their cryptocurrency, with which they intend to enhance this title further. A style of games that consists of obtaining products with a monetary value, with the aim that we also add some money.

    Where are we going

    NFTs are no longer one only piece; they can be 100 different things or even a whole 360 campaign. NFTs are a new channel from which we can build a brand from scratch and a unique story to sell and commercialize. 

    It turns out that it is a central axis on which we can franchise and generate products from there. At Dogma, our fellow agency, one of the primary purposes is to manage and store the meta communities where these NFTs and the new 360 business model will live. 

    That is why the management of meta communities is crucial to be able to commercialize these new NFTs. 

  • The automotive industry has been one of the hardest hit by the pandemic. Not being able to go outside and working from home, vehicle purchases ceased to be a priority for many, leading to a decline in sales in 2020. A 14.6% recovery in the global light vehicle market is expected in 2021, with projections to return to 2019 levels by 2023*1.

    The car of the future is described as EASCY: Electric, autonomous, shared, connected and yearly updated, the five buzzwords in the automotive industry.

    Brands are taking advantage of the transformation of the automotive industry and are investing in influencers to promote their new vehicles, especially electric models. One example of this is Volkswagen, collaborating with influencer Chang Yan to test the performance of its electric vehicle.

    The 10 keywords of the automotive industry


    Electric cars are projected to see strong sales in the coming years. Their advantages include lower emissions than gas-powered vehicles, although electricity generation still involves fossil fuels; they have lower maintenance costs and tend to have fewer breakdowns; and they benefit from less intensive and more affordable maintenance.


    The focus is on vehicles that can operate without human intervention, even in complex traffic situations.

    More than 33 million self-driving vehicles are predicted to be on the road by 2040, and about 55% of small businesses anticipate adopting autonomous driving technologies in their operations over the next two decades*2

    Shared mobility

    More and more users are shifting towards a model of “using” rather than “owning” a vehicle. There are two forms of shared mobility: carsharing, where vehicles can only be picked up at predefined locations and where the car is owned by a company, and ride-hailing, where customers request personalized trips online, usually via smartphone apps.

    Numerous social media profiles are basing their communication on vehicle-related content, from those covering current affairs to those sharing their collection of vehicles. The interest is there and creators are establishing themselves in this area.


    There are two types of connectivity. Car2Car communication, where connectivity is maintained between different vehicles in order to share information related to traffic, accidents, road conditions, safety and other issues to ensure the safety of drivers; and Car2X connectivity, which refers to the synchronization between a vehicle and the infrastructure present on the roads (signs, cameras, radars, sensors or traffic lights) to improve road conditions and reduce risks.


    The implementation of the points above will lead to an increase in the pace of innovation in the automotive industry. As a result, 5 to 8 year model cycles could shift to annual updates in order to integrate the latest hardware and software developments. 

    Lack of information or even misinformation are two key aspects that hinder the switch to electric vehicles. Producing informative content to post on social networks can help convince potential buyers to take the plunge and secure purchases.

    Online Retail

    Buying vehicles online is a trend that could be established in the near future, with users buying a car online without having to set foot in a showroom. Forecasts suggest that this could happen by 2030.

    As a brand, having a presence on different platforms and adapting to each of them ensures a broader and more effective communication. To that end, creating entertaining and interactive content for Instagram, as well as informative videos on YouTube or conversational content on Twitter, can help you reach the right audiences in the right way.

    Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

    Cryptocurrency as a means of paying for vehicles is a reality. Tesla accepting payments in Bitcoin has helped put the spotlight on cars and cryptocurrencies. Although this initiative was temporarily suspended due to environmental concerns two months after its announcement, interest is still very much present and it appears that car sales via Bitcoin will resume if a more sustainable scenario is achieved.


    Video games are spreading in the automotive industry through new proposals and gamification models, real games or game-like controllers in cars. Brands are seeing the opportunity to “transform” vehicles into real controllers, allowing users to use dashboard screens, steering wheels and pedals to play games inside their vehicles. Prime examples are Tesla with its Beach Buggy Racing 2 or Mercedes Benz with the famous SuperTuxKart game.


    Porsche, Bugatti and Ferrari are among the top brands with the highest interaction values in the broader industry conversation. Tesla also stands out in both the electric and luxury conversation.

    Although the United States has the largest share of the luxury car market, sales are expected to decline. On the other hand, it is expected that sales will increase in Europe and that the Asia-Pacific market will lead the sector due to the presence of numerous large-scale manufacturers in this region.

    Social Networks

    Tapping into the proactive conversation that users have generated around the automotive industry is crucial, and influencers can be of great help in achieving this. Collaborating with content creators could help communicate new products or services and achieve greater reach, spark conversation around the brand, drive traffic to the site and brand profiles, and reach wider audiences.

    *1. GlobalData
    *2. Builtin, Statista.
  • Fox channels

    Date: April 4, 2018

    The one where we helped FOX connect with their audience
    COUNTRY: Portugal

    The Ask
    Fox Channels launched a new corporate campaign transversal to all their TV networks. The goal was to connect their audience to their content, creating a engagement-oriented campaign called Hi Portugal!

    The SfB Solution
    Identification of influencers through ShineBuzz + creation of an engagement based campaign where influencers reacted live when they favorite Hollywood star said “Hello” on camera directly to them

    The Key figures
    47 pieces of influencer-generated content
    1.1M organic impressions

  • The one where we increased MICROSOFT’s brand awareness
    PROJECT: #BossLadies
    COUNTRY: Portugal

    The Ask
    Microsoft was looking to increase brand awareness and to create high quality content for their digital channels, increasing the loved brand status in Portugal.

    The SfB Solution
    Conceptualization of the #BossLadies campaign, identification of successful professional women through Shinebuzz and production of branded content.

    The Key figures
    29 pieces of influencer-generated content
    $0,10 cost per interaction
    And we made it to the press!